Chapter 18: Big brother Billy

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I hate to admit it but the day went so slowly without Zak around. All I could think about was seeing him that evening, I wish I could switch off my feelings or at least turn them down a notch but I knew I was way past that now. So I filled my day the best I could packing for Perth and visiting my sister and Rufus as promised and trying to avoid the third degree from my sister. Just as I was finishing dinner my phone rang.

"Hello Mr Ghost hunter extraordinaire!" I answered, feeling silly.

"Hello crazy lady." He countered.

'Fairs fair." I Laugh, "How are you getting on? Not working too hard I hope."

"We're just finishing up actually and we're going to watch it through, wanna join us? I'd love for you to see it." I could hear the excitement in his voice.

'Just try and keep me away, i'll be there in about half an hour I've just got to finish up visiting my favourite boy." I joke.

"Huh? Who?" Zak asks sounding tense all of a sudden.

"Rufus the doofus, remember?" I quickly explain. "Though I might start calling you that if you're not careful." I admonish. I hear a raspberry being blown down the phone in response and burst out laughing.

"I'll be there soon, doofus" I laugh.

"See you then." He laughs back.

I arrive at the hotel in good time and make my way up to Zak's room. I knock loudly as I can hear the rabble of voices coming from inside. Zak answers finishing what ever argument he is having with Aaron as the door opens.

"Hi!"I wave to everyone but before I can even take a step Billy ducks past Zak grabs me by the wrist and starts pulling me in the opposite direction. Zak spins around and raises his eyebrows.

'Hey Billy what the..?" He almost yells.

"I just need to borrow Tracy to get those release forms signed and stuff so we can email them along with the edit." He explains as he leads me off down the corridor. Zak watches after us looking mildly concerned as we disappear around the corner.

At Billy's room he hands me a bunch of forms to sign and flops down on the bed.

"So you and Zak?" He asks with out even a hint of subtlety.

"Hmmm what about Zak and me?" I ask trying to remain casual.

"Oh just wondering what's going on between you two, I've never quite seen Zak like this with anyone before." He ponders.

"You should probably ask Zak don't you think?" I reply cautiously.

"I will.' He says, "I just wanted to find out where you were coming from first. He's not your average guy you know? He has errr....unique qualities and plenty of baggage that comes with him. I don't want to see him get hurt again. Or see him hurt you. You both need to be sure of what you're getting yourselves into." There was genuine concern in his voice. I sit on the bed next to him.

"I really appreciate your concern and your insight Billy," I begin. "I won't deny that I have been kinda confused about how close we have become over such a short space of time." He nods. "We are just friends for now but I like him, a lot." I blush at this revelation. "We seem to have this connection that I really can't explain,especially as he's not my usual type at all." I admit to myself as much as to Billy. 'But to reassure you my intentions are genuine and not at all rash. I understand with Zak there is no such thing as a normal relationship but i'm willing to give it a try and will tackle whatever comes with both of our best interests at heart. I mean once you all leave it would be one hell of a long distance relationship huh?" I smile weakly. "What I'm saying is I know things would be complicated but I think it would be more than worth it and would enter it willingly and take on all that Zak entails. But at the end of the day it will be Zak's decision anyway, I won't be trying to push him into anything, not that I think I could anyhoo!" I sigh a little, it felt good to actually talk about Zak to someone who knows him but it also makes it all seem very real.

"Thanks for your honesty." Billy says with genuine warmth. "I just worry about him you know, we all do. I hope it works out for you I really do, you seem to be good for him. He smiles and gives my arm an awkward pat. "Come on we better get back or he'll be sending out a search party for us, you know he's a control freak right?" And we both laughed.

Back at Zak's as soon as I walk through the door 'You ok' he mouths from the other side of the room. I grin and nod even though Billy surely had given me some food for thought. He had definitely implied that Zak liked me too which made my heart swell but his warnings also planted a tiny seed of uncertainty that I couldn't ignore. As the others greeted me and I tried to survive Aaron's bear hug I pushed it to the back of my mind.

We get comfortable to watch the edit of the Melbourne Gaol. Jay and Billy take the couch, Aaron sprawls on the floor at their feet which leaves the bed for Zak and me. I try to keep a respectful distance as I sit down but Zak is having none of it and places his arm around me. I avoid Billy's glance and think to myself 'fuck it' and snuggle into Zak's side.

We watch the show and it is fabulous, even if I do take a much bigger starring role than i'm entirely comfortable with.

"What do you think?" Billy asks and suddenly all eyes are on me.

'Its great even with me in it!" I exclaim and they all laugh.

"One of our best episodes I reckon." Enthuses Aaron.

"You're a natural at it." Says Jay which feels like great praise indeed and I smile at him gratefully.

"Yep, we'll send it off to the network tonight for them to review and give us some feedback and so they can see we haven't just been goofing off and riding kangaroos." Aaron says.

"They know you well then." I quip.

"So cheeky." Zak murmurs next to me and I grin probably looking like a total loon but I don't care, its been a long time since I felt this happy.

I really hope you're enjoying this. Let me know! Thanks for reading *GM*

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