Chapter 31: Support

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I only stir as the telephone rings again, Zak groans and leans over me to pick it up.

"Yeah?"He barks into the receiver, grouchy at being woken. "Hey Aaron,what time is it? Shit! Umm yeah I think so let me just check with Tracy." He turns to me with his hand over the mouthpiece, "Aaron wants to come by if that's ok?"

"Sure!" I yawn, "Might want to ask him to give us 20 minutes though, I need a shower and ummm clothes!" I whisper making Zak grin.

"Yeah Aaron that's cool just give us 20 minutes to freshen up. Haha shut up dude! Yeah that would be good. Ok bro see you soon." As he hangs up I yawn and stretch beneath him, he takes the opportunity to roll my nipple between his thumb and forefinger making me hum in surprise and pleasure. I swat his hand away in faux annoyance.

'We don't have time for that Mister!" I berate him. "Unfortunately." I add with a grin and a wink. He pouts at me and I can't resist pulling him to me and kissing him hard before pushing him away, hopping out of bed and pulling on my outer clothes. He lays in bed watching and pouting.

"Stop sulking! I'm just going to my room to shower and change i'll be back before you know it." He crosses his arms over his bare chest, which I'm doing my best to ignore and pulls the puppy dog eyes that churn my insides. "Do you want me lying around dirty and naked in front of Aaron is that it? Didn't take you for the sharing type!" I jibe with a raised eyebrow. He gets a mischievous look in his eye and smirks. I shake my head and throw my panties at him. "I'm going now and taking this!" Snatching up the room key as I head to the door.

With all that had happened from nightmares to the most passionate experience of my life I had completely forgotten about the scratches on my back until I felt the telltale sting as the hot water sluiced over my body. After the stinging abated it felt good to wash away the last remnants of the negativity from the night before.

I quickly dry off and pull on a pair of black jeans and soft loose knit jumper, pulling my long hair up into a messy knot I let myself back into Zak's room. Aaron had beaten me to it and he and Zak were sat outside on the balcony. I go out to join them and before I know it Aaron has jumped up and envelopes me in a massive hug.

"Tracy dude! Are you ok? I've been so worried about you and then Zak told me about your nightmare. Woah man!" He spilled out. I smiled and peeled myself from his grip.

"I'm ok Aaron dude!" I laugh and punch his arm playfully. " Sorry for waking you with my girly screams, just glad you didn't get the wrong impression!" I ignore Zak's raised eyebrows at my white lie. "Anyway don't be worrying about me I can handle it. Hey if I can handle Zak I can handle anything right?" I wink at him and Aaron guffaws.

"You got that right!" He agrees.

"Hey!"Zak protests and I can't help laughing thinking how fun it will be to join forces with Aaron to wind him up. He gets up from the table oblivious to my mischievous plan and gives me a huge hug and brushes a kiss against my lips. I can't help noticing how hot he looks in baggy track pants and tight t-shirt. His hair still damp from the shower is sticking up in all directions, I kind of wish he would wear it natural like that more often as my fingers itch to run through his dark locks. He's wearing his large black rimmed glasses, framing those eyes that I just can't get enough of. Zak may think that he's cursed me but really he's my blessing.

Aaron had ordered pizza and we spent the evening chatting away about everything and anything. Of course my little problem was hot topic but we tried not to dwell. Although it was comforting to have them to talk to considering their own experiences. Just knowing they were both there for me had me feeling a lot better. Aaron in particular was surprising supportive, Zak was too worried his own involvement in getting me into this predicament, no matter how many times we told him it wasn't his fault. But I guess his own demons took their toll too. Aaron on the other hand, he cared a lot but he was more analytical and practical about it, a far cry from the goof ball persona that I knew and loved. He is a very intelligent and sensitive guy and it saddened me to see the effect his own attachment had on him still. The breakdown of his marriage was still raw and a constant reminder of the damage these things could do. I hoped I could be as good a friend to him as he was already proving to be to me. Having the support of these two made me feel like I could handle this and Aaron being in on that as well as Zak meant an awful lot to me and I told him so. Aaron blushed and grinned.

"You better keep this one!" He warned Zak who smiled and nodded as he pulled me to him. They soon started talking about technical stuff that I couldn't even hope to try and follow, still running low on sleep I found myself dropping my head onto Zak's shoulder. I don't know how much time had passed when I felt a gentle shake.

"Honey, hey Tracy." Zak says softly.

"Hmmm?"I blink at him sleepily.

"Come on lets go back to bed cutie." He smiles.

"Aaron?"I yawn.

"Has gone so he won't be joining us."

"Shame,"I wink and Zak's mouth drops open causing me to lose my shit. " See be careful who you play with Bagans." I cackle but get cut off with another huge yawn. "Sorry, I hope I didn't drool on you." I stifle yet another yawn getting ready to ambush me.

"Hmmm  you're lucky,  you were only out for about 10 minutes, and don't be sorry you're bound to be tired all things considered." I notice the glint in his eye and blush. "I've got a busy day tomorrow so I had better do some catching up too.

"I will do my best not to keep you awake if I can at all help it." Another yawn punctuates my statement making my eyes water. "I only wish I had the energy to make that a lie." I chuckle. "So what are you up to tomorrow?"

"We'll be reviewing the footage and beginning to edit." He looks closely for my reaction at being reminded of the night's events.

"Oh yeah, of course." I work hard at keeping my voice neutral.

"what are you going to do do you think?" He asks.

"Would it be possible to come with you?" I hesitate knowing this probably won't be a popular request.

"I don't know if that's such a good idea sweetie, seeing that kind of footage can be pretty traumatic." He furrows his brow and I cantell he's thinking back to the numerous times he's found himself and his friends in the same position, I knew he would worry.

"I think I need to see it though to try and make some sense of it and I want to know if there's anything else we missed in the EVPs and stuff. It seems like this is my demon, I should know exactly what i'm dealing with shouldn't I? Zak looks skeptical but pauses for a moment and sighs.

"I guess you're right, the more info you have the better prepared you'll be, and I know from experience its better than not knowing." He agrees reluctantly. "Anyway I have the impression that you wouldn't take no for an answer anyway." He shakes his head and I grin, he already knows me so well!

'Thanks Zak, I promise I will try not to distract you." I get up and hug him.
"Impossible!" He laughs and kisses me, "Come on lets get some sleep."

We go through our now familiar routine and I snuggle up close. I feel as safe as ever in Zak's arms but I can't help but be apprehensive about what my dreams my hold. As if Zak can read my thoughts he pulls me close,

"Don't worry I've got you, we're both safe and there'll only be sweet dreams for you my feisty one." As he kisses the top of my head. I look up and brush a sleepy kiss across his lips

"Nunight my Bagans, sweetest of dreams for you too." I insist.

"Yes M'am" He chuckles and I smile into his chest.

Unconsciousness comes quickly as I relish the safety of Zak's embrace.

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