Chapter 81: The obsidian blade

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"Its not going to be easy." Amber looked at Zak and me.

"It never fucking is." Zak sighed in frustration, I knew exactly how he felt.

"And I have to warn you that he will never be entirely gone, you three are too entwined to be able to untangled completely from his hold but he can be contained." She begins to explain. "Basically what we need to do is a combination of a cleansing and a binding spell. We can bind him to an object and as long as it is left undisturbed and intact he will not be able to break free from it. It won't be entirely foolproof, at times, particularly times of stress and negativity in your life, he my be able to project his influence still but compared to what he is capable of now it will be a walk in the park to recognise that and deflect the attack."

Anything has got to be better than what it is now I can't keep watching Zak go through this, even the times it was just a dream have scarred my soul. I close my eyes trying in vain to erase the images of him scared and in pain that will forever be burned into my memory. His hand reaches under my hair and he runs his fingers over the nape of my neck gently bringing me back to the present and instantly calming me. How did he know how to do that?

"Ah it seems as if Aiden has remembered some of the things Delphyne taught him. You see knowledge is power, the more you two know the stronger you'll become. You'll be more resilient, your intuition will increase and your abilities will exceed all your expectations. You could become quite the formidable force if you both work at it and as long as you don't stray." Amber was fascinated by us and I found it a little unnerving to be under such close scrutiny. And what did she mean by not straying? I didn't get the chance to ask as she went onto explain what the ritual entails.

"The artefact that we use to bind him has to be significant, something that can be used in both darkness and light." She reaches to the table behind here and brings out something long and thin wrapped in black velvet. Unwrapping it carefully she lays it on the table in front of us. Gleaming in the late afternoon sunlight is a glossy black knife. The blade and handle have been carved from one piece of some kind of gemstone. The handle is intricately carved into a geometric spiral but the blade itself is napped into a fine, razor sharp and deadly edge. It is beautiful.

"This is an obsidian knife, some witches use them in rituals and spell casting

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"This is an obsidian knife, some witches use them in rituals and spell casting. Obsidian is considered to be a stone of protection, healing and cleansing and may amplify the gift of prophecy. Most importantly in your case it is also used in past life healing, it can clear any misuse of power or wrong doings in the ancestral line. It is also one of the stones associated with the star sing Sagittarius, which I believe is your sign Tracy." I nod, not even surprised any more by her knowledge of me. "So the stone itself is significant and full of power but the form that it takes is just as important. Obsidian can be sharpened to an edge even finer than surgical steel, it is so sharp that it slices at a cellular level rather then ripping as is the case even with the finest steel. This kind of destruction in its purest form holds formidable power and spiritual significance. This knife in particular has been used for both the purpose of the light and the dark, it has healed and it has injured. It is exactly what is required to hold a demon such as Hatchi." Amber's reverence of the object intrigues me. I reach out to carefully touch the blade and am surprised at its warmth. It is smooth under my fingertips but exudes such an energy that I swear I feel it vibrate softly and I pull my hand back a little afraid of how it feels to me.

"So what do we do to trap him?" Zak asks, watching me carefully as if he can sense my own trepidation.

"First we cleanse and then there is the binding spell and ritual. It will be an arduous process and you will likely need to cleanse yourselves again over the next few days just to clear yourselves of the residual effects. There is no way he will go without a fight, but you are strong, you have the best support you could possibly have." She gestures to Aaron, Jay and Billy. "We will be successful of that I am certain but prepare for a struggle. Now, shall we begin?" I swallow thickly and nod, no time like the present.

The initial cleansing is fairly simple, first Amber smudges around us with a sage smudge stick, we clear and bless our crystals with purified water and anoint ourselves with blessed oils. Burning white candles for strength and purity a copper bowl filled with rock salt is heated over the open flame of the fire pit that had been burning throughout the afternoon. On top of the salt a variety of herbs and other ingredients are left to smoulder. The aroma of herbs, incense and spice fills the now hazy air around us. I turn to Zak and can't fail to notice his clenched jaw, I grasp his hand to my chest ensuring he has the crystals against his skin and I waft some of the smoke in his direction. The tension releases just enough for him to smile at me gratefully . I still wasn't quite sure how Zak was feeling the effects of Hatchi more than I. He was attached to me surely I would be feeling it too, does he not need to weaken me? Leaving the candles to burn and the salt to smoulder, Amber sprinkles the blade with more salt and water and wipes it clean with a raw silk cloth. She then holds it in the smoke of the smouldering herbal mixture, to purify the artefact before putting it to use.

"That's the first cleanse finished, now we can conduct the ritual...Hatchi has been biding his time until now, he's been trying his best to provoke you Tracy by using Zak. You have made a valiant effort to fight him, both of you, but he is becoming increasingly agitated and has been saving his energy. I fear the next step won't be so easy, for either of you. Please be ready, expect anything and everything but fight, always continue to fight. Whatever you see or hear remember you are amongst friends in a safe place and remember your love for each other. Hold that purity in your heart always." The smile Amber had worn up till now was gone. I gulp and squeeze Zak's hand, he returns the gesture and nods in encouragement. My demon hunter ever ready to fight the darkness. I gave him a small smile in return and turn to Amber.

"Let's do this!"

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