Chapter 97: Beautiful goodbye

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I went to find a trolley for all the bags while Zak unloaded the car. On my return I find him fiddling around in the the front passenger seat but think nothing of it as he checks to make sure he hasn't left anything behind. We load up the trolley , playing a precarious game of tetris with the hard and soft cases.

"You sure you have everything?" I check with him one more time.

"Yep, I think so. Oh wait! You had better take these." He hands me the car keys and I tuck them safely in my pocket.

"You forgot one thing." I tell him.

"What's that?" He looks at the bags and then back at me in confusion as he pats down his own pockets.

"Me!" I exclaim with a watery laugh. "Come on unpack all that stuff, I'm sure I could fit in one of these cases." Zak laughs with me but it is equally as watery as mine as he steps towards me putting his arms around my waist.

"If I could take you with me I would happily dump all this stuff even though the network would kill me. Dammit Tracy, I'm going to miss you so much I won't know what to do with myself." His eyes shine with tears which is enough to start mine falling.

"At least you'll have the motley crew to keep you occupied." I laughed again as I gestured towards the main terminal where they would be waiting for us. "Rufus and I will be moping together at home missing our play buddies." I smile through my tears.

"Oh just your buddies huh?" Zak pretends to take offence.

"Nope, I'll miss my bed warmer too." I give him a dig in the ribs and squeak as he hugs me tighter. "I'm going to miss you most of all you big lug." My tears come faster even as I try and swallow them back. "Its going to be lonely without my wolf man. You quickly became my best friend Zak and then my lover, my protector. There was a you sized hole in my heart and I never even knew it. Thank you for completing me but know that you'll be taking a little piece of me with you to Vegas so please look after it. And don't you ever forget that I am here for you whatever time of the day or night for whatever reason. Fuck the time difference, fuck with being polite, just bloody call me ok!" I pull on his belt loops to emphasise my words. I'm surprised as he smiles but with a tear running down his cheek.

"I wouldn't dare not to bear cub." I grin at his nick name for me. "But you better understand that I expect the same from you, even if you know that I'm on a lockdown my phone will be on and I will return your call as soon as I can. You are more important to me than anyone. You're an amazing woman Tracy and I love you more than you could ever know." He's still smiling as another tear makes its escape.

"I love you too Zak, with everything I have." His eyes become dark at my words and the smile leaves his face as he bends to kiss me. I feel a shock run through my whole body as his lips meet mine and as he shivers I'm sure he feels it too. His fingers tangle in my hair as my hands cup his face to mine. We kiss deeply, passionately, urgently, tasting each other and finding our solace in the other's lips. I was loathe to pull away but check in would be closing soon. He wipes away my tears with his thumbs and kisses me softly.

"Now dry your eyes and no more tears, if you cry I'll cry and I have my manly tough guy image to uphold!" I can't help but laugh. "That's my girl." With one last kiss we head towards the terminal.

Its not hard to spot the others as we spy the pile of cases. The check in queue is short but it takes a while to get all the crew's bags through and the corresponding paperwork checked. Once its all processed we have an hour to kill before they have to disappear through security and out of my reach. Billy and Jay decide to head through already so they can take advantage of the duty free.

"See you Trace, thank you for getting us over to Australia and for a wicked awesome time!" Billy gives me a hug.

"Yeah, thanks Tracy and if you need anything or any help with finding more out about the witch thing just give me a shout I'd love to help."Jay reaches out and gives me an awkward one armed hug before I pull him in and give him a proper squeeze. We all laugh at the blush on his cheeks when I let him go.

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