Chapter 40: The morning after

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"Noooo!"I scream, "Zak! Don't leave me!" I'm hysterical as I watch Zak walk away without even a glance back. "Please!" I sob and drop onto my knees in the dirt, not caring as the stones cut my skin, the pain of watching him getting into his car and greeting the platinum blonde with a kiss consumes me instead. I collapse into the dust completely broken, tears streak my dirty cheeks as I watch him speed off towards the city lights in the distance. "Don't go, I need you." I whisper forlornly. I gasp in shock at the stabbing pain that shoots through my chest as I feel our bond stretch beyond its limit and snap. I lay on my back, stare up at the hot sun and weep until I'm hoarse and no more tears will come. "Zak!" I can barely whisper but there is no one to hear me anyway. I lay there numb, my thoughts a jumble and any thought of my own survival stolen from me. I let out a terrifying animal like mewl and I blink at the change in light. There he is, sleeping soundly next to me in the soft bed. The relief I feel is immeasurable. My breathing is ragged and my face is wet from the tears I had shed as I slept through my nightmare.

I reach for the man in front of me and scoot across to him so I can embrace him not caring if I woke him, I needed his reassurance and comfort. He stirs beneath my touch and I kiss him gently and watch as his grey eyes flicker open sleepily.

"Huh? Oh hey sweetie. Wha..? Hey what's up?" He stutters as he focuses on my face. Unable to answer I break down losing control I sob and bury my face into his neck and shoulder as I cling on to him.

"Hey shh shh shh. Honey, its ok, I've got you." He hushes me as he kisses and strokes my hair. "Baby, what's wrong?" He asks as I eventually manage to regain some composure. I snuffle and tell him about the dream, how real it felt, how I woke up crying.

"Oh Tracy." He smiles at me sadly, "I've told you i'm not going anywhere, I'm yours for the long haul and I would never do something so cruel!"

"I know, I trust you and I believe you but it was just so vivid and I physically felt the pain. It was different from a normal nightmare." I ponder for a moment as Zak continues to comfort me. "I think it was something else, it was influencing me, playing on my fears. It is trying to weaken me, us. Its threatened by us being together." I say matter of factly. Zak is quiet as he thinks over what I had just said.

"I think you might be right." He agrees with me. "Its not something I've ever encountered before though, I think I really need to speak to some people, demonologists, experts and see what they think. You sure like to do things differently Tracy Fox." He smiles as he he strokes my cheek with his thumb. I nod exhausted from the onslaught of emotions. Zak sees that I am struggling to keep my eyes open.

"Come on sweetie, lets get a few more hours sleep. Get comfortable, I've got you." He pulls me towards him and I lay my head on his chest and listen to the comforting thud of his heartbeat.

"I love you Zak" I mumble as I drift off.

"I love you more." I hear him whisper as I lose consciousness, thankful that Zaks words keep the demons in my dreams away.

Later that morning I'm awoken by Zak stroking my cheek with his fingertips and whispering my name. I open one eye squinting at the bright sunlight streaming through the window. Zak is propped up on his elbow watching me.

"Good morning," I greet him through a yawn.

"Good morning sleepy girl, how are you feeling?" I stretch tentatively.

"All things considered I feel pretty good." I'm actually amazed at how fresh I feel after the alcohol I had imbibed during the evening followed by the, errrr, intense physical activity before bed and the nightmare in the early hours. "How about you?"

"Yeah, I feel really good actually, physical exertion before bed agrees with me!" He wiggles his eyebrows as he strokes my thigh, I can't help but giggle as I playfully swat his hand away.

"Beats counting sheep I suppose." I tease with a grin which is quickly wiped off my face when he tweaks my nipple making me gasp.

"Behave!"He growls, I pout back at him and he gives me a wink. Hmmm promises of more to come, I feel the heat coil in my belly but try to ignore it. Stupid sexy Bagans!

"So what's the plan for today?"

"The rest of the morning is free but after lunch the guys and me need to head over to the location to do the interviews and walk through. You can join us if you like?"

"Actually, what do you think about me waiting until the lockdown? It would be interesting to see what happens if I've never been there before, see what vibes I pick up actually at the investigation. What do you think?" I suggest.

"Yeah, that's a good idea actually, you're getting good at this investigating business. I knew I chose well."

"I have a good mentor." I grin as he actually blushes a little. "Yeah Billy's really shown me the ropes." I shriek as I earn myself a good thwack on my butt.

"So cheeky!" He grumbles. "So what are you going to do this afternoon." He asks as he rubs away the sting making it really hard for me to actually concentrate.

"Hmmm? Oh! I'm going to do some shopping! We have a masquerade to attend remember."

"Hmmmph I was hoping you would forget." He grumps.

"Grouch!" I laugh as I hop out of bed quick enough to miss the spank that was heading in my direction and run to the shower before he can catch me.

"I'll just save it for later!" He shouts after me.

"Tha tbetter be a promise!" I call back, as I step under the hot water I hear him laughing to himself.

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