Chapter 21: Woo the girl

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We touchdown in Perth and disembark the plane, Zak reaches for my hand and we got to meet the others at the baggage claim. I am unable to wipe the silly grin from my face and it only widens as Aaron cheers when he sees us and Billy gives us a subtle nod of approval, even Jay gives us a rare smile. We collect the hire cars and make our way to the hotel, Billy and Jay take the lead with Zak, Aaron and I following behind.

"Good on you two!" Aaron congratulates us from the back seat as we hit the free way. "Does this mean I can give Tracy a hug without you looking daggers at me now?" He punched Zak in the arm and I can't suppress my laughter as Zak throws said daggers via the rear view.

We soon arrived at the hotel and we checked in, Zak making sure that our rooms were adjoined. I enter my room and gasp as I find a luxurious suite sprawled in front of me. The bed was huge and covered in plush pillows and a satin quilt. A beautiful chaise was in one corner, a large opulent desk in the other. I walked over to what I thought was the window to find sliding glass doors which opened out onto a huge balcony. I stepped out and was stunned by the magnificent view of the beach and turquoise ocean stretching away to the horizon. It was by far the most extravagant hotel I had ever stayed in.

There was a loud knock at the door, I open it up to find a concierge holding an ice bucket containing a bottle of champagne and two glasses.

"Oh there must be some mistake,' I started to explain.

"Courtesy of Mr Bagans of room 395 Ms Fox." he explains as he places the tray on the table. "The tip is also covered thank you." He says as he sees me reach for my bag. I was taken aback, not used to this kind of treatment at all. As I turn to watch him leave there is Zak leaning casually against the door frame, one hand hidden behind his back, a cute half smile on his face.

"Thank you for the champagne, but you shouldn't have." I smile.

"I wanted to." He says simply.

"No, I mean you really shouldn't have I don't much like the stuff." I bite my lip. Zak guffaws loudly.

"I should have known." He shakes his head, "You're so not like the other girls I mustn't forget that." He continues as he moves towards me. I give him an apologetic smile, my stomach doing flips at the way he is looking at me, I know truly understand the term 'smouldering.'

"I do hope you at least like roses." He chuckles as he reveals what he had been concealing behind his back. A single dark red, almost black rose, which he proffers to me with a flourish. I laugh.

"I may be different but i'm far from immune to your charms." I take the rose and lift it to my nose, its sent is intoxicating. "Mmm its beautiful, thank you." I smile shyly.

"I was wondering if you would do me the honour of joining me for dinner tonight?" He bows slightly as he asks. I roll my eyes at him good naturedly.

"You're such a smoothy!" I laugh. "I would be delighted to join you." I curtsy before him. He can't contain himself any longer and collapses helplessly with laughter onto the bed dragging me down with him. He kisses me causing me to lose my breath instantly. I could happily kiss him forever, these were the kisses I would have written in to my very own erotic fairy tale.

Zak pushed himself up on his elbows and looked down at me and smiled at what had to be the look of pure contentment on my face.

"I know things have all been happening in a rush so far but I do want to do this properly and take it one day at a time. I want you to know that I'm in this for real and don't want to jeopardise it in anyway. This isn't just a flight of fancy for me Tracy, I want it to go somewhere, there's a connection I have with you that I can't explain but I felt it even the very first time we spoke on the phone. I don't ever want to break that bond, it kind of feels like a lifeline." He trails off softly looking away frowning to himself at having confessed more than he had meant to. He lost himself in his thoughts as I watched him and I wondered what demon had raised its ugly head. I reached up and stroked his cheeky gently breaking him from his reverie.

"I feel it too." I reassure him. " I would feel empty without it I know it. I'll do anything to keep it, keep you." I lower my eyes feeling embarrassed and vulnerable as I tell him how I feel. "We'll take it slow ok? We'll give it a strong foundation." I reach for him and draw him to me as I see his midnight eyes sparkle with unshod tears, we lay in each other's embrace for a while lost in our own thoughts but reassured by our close proximity and touch. Eventually Zak moves away and I whine.

"I have a hot date to get ready for." He winks at me.

" She's a lucky bitch!" I mutter jokingly and he laughs.

"I'll pick you up at 7.30." He kisses me on the forehead and is gone.

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