Chapter 17: Getting comfortable

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The next thing I know I am rudely awoken by the phone ringing. I feel Zak's arms tighten around me as I jump awake. Somehow we have ended up lying on the couch together my head upon his chest his arm stightly wrapped around me. I reach across him to grab my phone which is vibrating violently on the coffee table where it lay next to Zak's discarded hat and glasses. Zak groans and tries to pull me back as I answer the call.

"Hi!" I yelp as I nearly lose my balance.

"ErrTracy? Its Billy." The voice comes through.

"Hi Billy, what's up?" I yawn noisely.

"Sorry to wake you but I don't suppose you've heard from Zak have you? He's not answering his door or his phone and I'm a bit worried to be honest." He explains. I glance at Zak who is now awake and raises his eyebrows in question.

"Yeah,actually he's right here, wanna talk to him?" I ask and screw up my nose as Zak rolls his eyes.

"Wha..? He's there? But he never sees anyone after a lockdown!" Billy blurts out. I smile and poke Zak in the ribs making him yell out.

"See its definitely him." I laugh and hand Zak the phone.

"What's up?" I here Zak ask as I make to get up off the couch but Zak holds on to me not allowing me to leave so I snuggle back into his chest and close my eyes only half listening to what he is saying.

"Yeah she's fine. No, I'm fine. This was different, I don't want to explain that to you, I just left my phone in the car ok? No problem, I get it. Yep, sure. Yeah see you tomorrow bro. Thanks, bye." He leans over and puts my phone back on the table, ruffles his hair and sighs.

"Everything ok?" I ask as I look up at him, he meets my gaze and sighs again.

"Yeah just having to explain myself and every move at 40 years of age gets kind of old." He explains.

"Awww he was worried bout you, its kind of cute." I tease

"Actually I think he's more worried about you." He corrects me and I raise an eyebrow in question.

"Errr you know after yesterday." He quickly adds, I'm not convinced that was what he meant at all but I didn't push it but I think my expression gives it away that I know he is bullshitting. He clears his throat,

"So I know you said you weren't going to bow down to my every whim just because I'm famous AND hot but..." He grinned and winked at me and I swatted him hard on the chest. "Ah! Owwww!" He rubs the sting away.

"You deserved that." I mumble.

"I was only going to ask whether you'd agree to ordering pizza! I'm starving!" He defends.

"Well you could have just said that!" I exclaim, still blushing a little  at the fact he remembered what I had said earlier. "But yes, just this once I will acquiesce to your diva demands." I tease back. He pouts down at me and I have to turn quickly away before I pounce on him, I wouldn't be able to resist that look for long. "Spoiled brat." I mumble as I reach for my phone again and I feel him trying but failing to withhold a chortle beneath me.

I ordered in the pizza and we made small talk while we ate. We were still feeling fairly drained so watched another movie, comfy on the couch legs entwined. It felt like we had found some kind of solace in each other's company that we hadn't even realised that we had needed.We were drawn to each other like iron filings to a magnet. The movie finished and I yawn and stretch.

"I'm tiiiired!" I whine playfully.

"Pffft lightweight." Zak teases but is overcome by a massive yawn himself.

"Wanna stay?" I dare to ask and Zak nods with a smile.

"Ok then carry me to my bed!" I feign a faint. Zak rolls his eyes and playfully shoves me off the couch with his feet.

"Rude!"I exclaim from a heap on the floor. He cracks up and reaches down to help me up.

"Come on grouchy pants, let's get you to bed. You obviously need it." He provokes and I stick my tongue out at him and flounce through the bedroom door, he shakes his head in amusement and follows behind me.

"Your toothbrush is still in the bathroom and there's a fresh towel in there too." I tell him.

"Hmmm I could get used to this service." He grins as he walks towards the bathroom. He just shuts the door behind him quick enough to avoid the flying pillow.

As we get comfortable in our now familiar embrace he explains that he will be spending the next day with the others putting together a raw edit of the footage that they had reviewed in his absence that afternoon. No worries, I think as I will need to pack ready to leave for Perth and Sydney the day after and I want to visit my sister, Rufus and Spooks before I leave. "I'll see you tomorrow evening though." He whispers as i'm drifting off and I fall asleep with a smile on my lips.

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