Chapter 2

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Daryl's POV:

It's been almost a week since Negan killed Abraham and Eugene..
Eugene didn't have to die, but it happened because of me and now I can feel the guilt in my bones. But I wouldn't let him to make fun with Rosita.

He tried to waved that bloody bat to her face..
I was just trying to save her from that situation. And I did- kind of.
But then that prick killed Eugene. I thought he was going to kill me for a second, but he didn't. I wish I died too, that guilt is worse than anything.

But she was looking so fragile back there.
She was always seems so strong, but she was terrified that night, and it made me sick to see her like that.
She hasn't spoken a word with anyone since that night.
So I started walking by the paths of Alexandria, I was looking for Rosita.
I feel like we have something to talk about.

I found her in the graveyard. She was sitting on the Abraham's grave.

"Hey." I walked towards her.
She didn't even looked at me.

I said with a loud voice this time.
She lifted her head and looked at me.
Her eyes were red and there were pouches under her eyes.

"What do you want?" She asked with a weird voice.

"I just wanted to make sure that you're okay." I replied.

I don't know why but suddenly she got angry. "Well, I'm not, as you can see!" She said.

I didn't know what to say in those situations, so I decided it would be best to leave her alone. I was going to talk to her and tell her that I'm sorry about Eugene, but she didn't let me.
Well, at least I tried. Actually I don't care about it at all. I don't know why I tried either..

Anyway, I had to go to on a supply run today. We need to find goods for Negan so I decided to looking for some today. I hated that son of a b*tch but it might be good to leave here for a few hours. So I went to my house and got my stuff. I quickly picked up a gun and a bullets, and then I threw two bottle of water into my bag.

I was ready to go, I walked to the gate and grabbed my crossbow.
I stopped when I heard a voice. Someone was calling me out.


I turned to my back and saw Rosita was walking towards me.
There was a bag on her back and she was wearing an army hat.

"I'm coming with you." She said with a stubborn expression on her face.

I was about to argue with her.
But I looked at her again, and I realized that it would be pointless to protest it. Because I already knew that I couldn't change her mind.
So I got my motorcycle and turned my face to her.

"Hop on."

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