Chapter 69

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"I'm the one he has fell for, not you."

She turned her face away and wiped her tears, "Yeah, you don't have to worry about that. I'm not even gonna try to talk to him anymore."

With that, she climbed down the watch tower's stairs and left. I stood there for a second then sat on my kness, sobbing silently.

Rosita's POV:

I didn't know how long I sat on the watch tower, I sat there till the tears were dry on my face.


I startled and quickly wiped my face even though I wasn't crying anymore. Daryl climbed the stairs and came next to me. He pulled his arms behind me, burying his face into my neck.

"I missed ya."

I took a deep breathe, still thinking about our argument and what Alexis said. I was also mad at Daryl for not realising Alexis's feelings for him, if he could've done that before, he could've crossed a line between himself and her.

"I missed you too." I smiled.

I wasn't gonna push him like I did to Abraham. This could only made it worse, he could've got even more close with Alexis-
I have been there once, I knew what to do now.

He lowered his arms to my waist and turned me to him.

"Rick wants to plan a supply run." He said after a minute of hesitate. "I told him that we're gonna have a baby."

I smiled, "So you're not gonna go to the run-?"

"Yeah." He smirked. " 'sides, I just came back."

I gripped his face and kissed him hard, Alexis' words were floating in my mind so I kissed him with all of me, trying to forget.

"I saw Alexis leaving the watch tower-" He pulled away and asked, "She was crying. Did something happen?"

Great. Why he keeps bringing her out?

"Why? You think I did something to her?" I asked coldly.

"No- no, but-" He wandered his hand on his hair nervously, "I know that you don't like her."

I didn't answer and looked around to avoid his eyes.


"Don't you start that too, Daryl! I'm the one who has the right to be mad here-"

"Wha- why?"

Why never understands something like that?

"I- I don't wanna talk about this, okay?" I said shakily.

He kept looking at me with confusion on his face, "Is that about Alexis?"

I couldn't help but laugh sarcastically, "Finally, Daryl. You finally figured it out."

"Rosita-" He wandered his hand on his hair again, tiredly. "Why don't ya give her a chance? She is one of us now."

I looked at him with disbelief, "Are you serious? Can't you see that she is in love with you-?!" I stopped and looked at him, terrified of what I did just reveal.

"What? She ain't-" His face was hard to read,  he kept looking at me with that same look of his.

"Can't you really see that? You think I'm lying?" My voice cracked, I shook my head with sadness and disbelief, then turned my face away from him.

"Why did ya think that?" He finally spoke, "And why it does matter?"

I didn't answer, and tried to left the watch tower, but he suddenly grabbed my elbow and turned my face to him. His touch on my elbow wasn't rough, it was still gentle- but almost broken.

"Daryl- let go of me-" I said angrily and tried to push him away but he grabbed me tightly and put me closer to him.

"No- not until you listen what I say," He whispered. "I don't give a shit about who loves me or not, because I don't even see anyone but you. Don't you understand after all this time I still can't believe my luck to see you next to me every morning? I still can't believe that someone like you cares about me, loves me. You loved me when no one else did in my whole life. And you're the only one I fell for. I'm not stupid to leave the love of my damn life."

He let go off my elbow, breathing heavily, I looked him in the eyes with shock- the times he spoke about what he really feels is countable, so I embraced this moment and felt myself fell in love with him once again.

"Daryl- I- I'm so sorry." Was all I could say. Words choked on my throat.

He was looking definitely sad now, "Don't you trust me? Did you really think I would leave you- for her?"

"No, Jesus, I didn't, but I don't trust her- not in a bit- so I- I thought-" I lowered my voice and deciced to shut up.

"I'm sorry." I whispered softly this time.

He shook his head and took a deep breathe. "I just hate the fact that you let this happen."

"What?" I felt my anger building up again, "She did this. And you let her in! She tried to get close to you, and got succeed. You're too blind to see what's going on around you, Daryl-!" I was almost yelling now.

"Maybe it's because I don't give a damn about other women!" He replied angrily, "I told you, I don't care about anyone but you."

We stood there for a moment, breathing heavily, chest trembling...

Then he moved too fast for me to react. He whipped his face up and attacked my lips violently. I gripped his face desperately as he groaned, low and animalistic. He wandered his hands on my body and I felt in need of him. He then slanted his lips over mine, deepening the kiss. My hands went around his neck and into his hair. His hands slid down over my curves and landed on my hips, pulling me closer to his body.

Suddenly he pulled back, and just stared. Our breaths were heavy, his eyes were glazing over with passion.
"What the hell, Rosita?"

"I- I don't know," I brushed my nose against his, "I'm sorry about all of this."

"You don't have to be." He whispered, I felt his hot breathe on my face and I shivered.
"I should've realized what she-"

"Let's not talk about her now, okay?" I asked gently.

He smirked before attacking my lips again, "Alright."


A/N: im so sorry guys it takes so much for me to update but school is kicking my ass and i have so many exams but i will try to update when i can. Ily all💜💜 (btw im sorry if there is any grammar mistakes in this because I don't have time read it again and fix it so yeah bye for now💕)

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