Chapter 61

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"Don't worry, it'll be go away soon, it happens almost everyday now."

Daryl bit his lip. "I can't leave you like that-"

"No, you should go. Also I'm not ready for them to know that I'm pregnant- just not yet." I managed to smile a little,
"Don't worry about me."

Daryl's POV:

How did I leave her alone?

She is struggling with pregnancy stuff and I left her alone. She didn't even tell anyone that she is pregnant- which means she has no one to help her with her situation now-
I am the only one who knows she is pregnant and I'm miles away from her now.

I drove the car along the road while Alexis was checking the map each second.

And her attitude changed, only because of hormones- even though she said the otherwise.

I knew that this was gonna happen. Most women go crazy during the pregnancy. But I don't even care as long as she gives birth without anything bad happens...

"Daryl!" Alexis said, I barely heard her. "Stop the car."  She said and pointed out the building near us. "This is the place we should check. Stop the car."

I nodded and stopped the car next to the building. It was ruined- like everything in the apocalypse- but we should try to find anything good.

"Wait." I said as Alexis approached to the old store. "Don't use your gun unless you really need to.

She rolled her eyes, "Stop being bossy to me."

"Fine. But if you think I'd save your ass if something happens, you're wrong." I growled and cracked the door open.

The horde came through the store and it was time to take action. I approached to the nearest walker, shooting my crossbow and bringing it down. I didn't waste any time going after the next few without second thought. From the side of my eye I saw that Alexis swinging her knife in the walker's skull.

Few minutes later, there wasn't any walker left in the store. We both started to check out the every inch of the dusty building.

"Jesus...Almost every stuff are moldy and stale here!" Alexis called out as she was looking at the shelves.

"The cans are fine though," I said as throwing some tomato soup cans to my bag.

There was another room in the building. Alexis wanted to check and I allowed her to it...

Last thing I saw was Alexis who was trying to push the walker off of her. The walker was about to bit her in the neck as I pulled the walker off of her just in time. I helped Alexis to her feet, her face was full of walker blood. She wiped her face off with her shirt as best she could.

"Thanks." Alexis breathed.

"Any time."

We checked the rest of the place but we found nothing but few packages of spaghetti.

When we were done, we got out of the store and filled the car with the stuff we found.

"What's next?" I asked as Alexis was checking the map again.

"Uhm...there is an another store near here." She looked me in the eyes, thinking, "But I don't think if we'll find something in there too."

"We have to try, right?" I said and went to the car.

I caught Alexis's eye when I was trying to start the car. "What?"

"You did save my ass." She replied.

"Yeah, I regretted that now." I growled and started the car. "I ain't gonna wait for you all day, hop on."

Alexis smiled and got in the car.

Alexis smiled and got in the car

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Rosita's POV:

The cramps were getting worse.

I sat on the bed and grabbed the bottle which was on the floor. I took a big sip and swallowed the painkillers on my mouth.

Pregnancy in the apocalypse was a pain in the ass.

I was in the bed all day, thinking about the baby- and being pregnant in this kind of world. Giving a baby into this world isn't responsible, the baby would never be fully safe. And how are we going to raise a kid with walkers everywhere?

But in the other hand, the thought of me being a mother and Daryl being a father, makes me want to cry from happiness. I always wanted a child since I was a small niña, I grew up with brothers, and I didn't have time to think about this stuff but I knew that I always wanted a child. And now I have Daryl- the man I fell in love with, the father of my child... I can't think of better father, I know that he is going to protect and love the baby as much as I do.

These thoughts scattered away and I found myself thinking about the negative stuff of pregnancy in the apocalyse once again.

No. I can't keep thinking about these.

I took a deep breathe and got out of the bed.

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