Chapter 62

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These thoughts scattered away and I found myself thinking about the negative stuff of pregnancy in the apocalyse once again.

I needed to tell someone that I was pregnant- otherwise I was gonna die from overthinking.

I took a deep breathe and got out of the bed.

Rosita's POV:

I opened the door slowly and got out of the Hilltop house.

The night had finally settled in, I looked up at the stars which were covering the sky and wondered where Daryl is right now.

I started to walk around in the Hilltop, Carol was in the watchtower. I walked away to the garden swing which Daryl and I were sitting last night. Someone was sitting in there- it was too dark to tell- but I assumed it was Carl, I recognized his hat.

"Hey," I called out and approached to him, "How are you, Carl?"

"I’m— I’m okay," he said. "Couldn't sleep, so I went for a walk."

"Me too," I said and added before I could stop myself, "I have to walk these days, it's good for the baby—"

When I realized what I just said, Carl was looking at me with shock in his face.


"Are you pregnant?" He asked quickly.

I hate myself.

I sat next to him and looked at him. He was just a kid, but he had been through so much, just like all of us. Looking at his face, I realized something— I could tell him. And he would understand, because his sister, Judith, was born in the apocalypse too.

Besides, I needed to tell someone.

"Yeah." I said and sighed. "Don't tell anyone yet, okay?"

The teen smiled, "Sure, you can trust me."

We sat quietly for a while. I knew that Carl was excited to know more about the baby.

"So, how's the baby?" Carl finally asked.
"I mean, do you know if… it’s gonna be a boy or, or a girl?"

I smiled. "The baby is fine," I assured him. "And no, I don’t know the sex, not yet. We’ve got the technology, but…" I looked down, one hand on my belly, I wasn't showing yet. "We don't know the sex yet." I looked up at Carl, and the moonlight slanted across both of us. "Why, you got any name suggestions?" I let out a chuckle.

He laughed and shook his head. Suddenly his smiled faded and his face darkened, "Did you know what happened to my mom? Did Daryl tell you?"

I took a deep, shaky breathe, "He mentioned it once."

He nodded, "I don't want this to happen to you- or Maggie." He whispered.

"Carl-" I bit my lip, I was so close to cry. Fucking hormones.

I put a hand on his shoulder, making sure he was looking at me, "Hey," I said, "We're gonna be fine. Really. We have a doctor, a real doctor, and a sterile room and tools and everything we need. And when the baby comes, I’m gonna be okay. Alright?"
A tear fell on my cheek.

He nodded, he was crying too. Tears were sliding down his cheek. "That’s not fair," He said, laughing weakly, "I don’t even get to blame pregnancy hormones."

I burst out a wet laugh from tears and wrapped my arms around him. "C'mere."

Daryl's POV:

We only stopped to scavenge when night came, we both stayed in the car and waited for morning to come.

"Damn it. My back ached from laying over the car seat all night." Alexis stated as we were back to roads again.

"Rough night, huh?" I growled under my breathe.

There was a pharmacy near us. I hoped that I could find some pregnancy vitamins for Rosita. With that, I stopped the car immediately.

"What are you doing? We have to find food, not painkillers- we already have bunch of these, and we have to follow the plan-"

Alexis kept talking but I wasn't listening to her. I got out of the car and she followed me with a sigh.

The pharmacy wasn't looking that bad, but its window's were crack open. We approached the door slowly, and quickly checked every corner.

"It's clean!" Alexis called out and I found myself in front of the shelves. Most of them were empty but I managed to found some pills and vitamins.

"What are we exactly looking for?" She asked while grabbing some Xanax.

"Why don't ya ever shut up?" I growled, trying to think what kind of stuff should I get. Hell, I didn't even know what pregnant woman could need.

I turned around to see Alexis looking at me, her eyes landed on the pregnancy vitamins in my hand.

"Let me guess, you're pregnant?" She smirked as I put the pills in my bag.

"Ya think it's funny?" My anger was building up, this wasn't something to make jokes about.

Her face fell, "Daryl- I didn't mean to-"

I didn't reply and kept checking for some more pills.


I finally turned around to see her, her jaw was set hard, "If you weren't so busy with pushing people away, you could've asked me. I know what Rosita needs in her pregnancy."

Her voice caught me off guard, it was almost sounded broken. But her eyes were telling me the otherwise, they were burning up with anger.

"Sorry." I mumbled something sounded like a apologize.

"It's fine." She managed to say and headed to the completely different section of pharmacy. "We can find some prenatal vitamins here."

"Alright." I replied and followed her.

Few minutes later she handed me bunch of pills, pacifier and a feeding bottle.

I grabbed them awkwardly and this made Alexis laugh, "Your kid is gonna be lucky."

"Shut up." I growled.

She playfully shouldered me and got out of the pharmacy, "We should go now."

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