Chapter 63

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Few minutes later she handed me bunch of pills, pacifier and a feeding bottle.

I grabbed them awkwardly and this made Alexis laugh, "Your kid is gonna be lucky."

"Shut up." I growled.

She playfully shouldered me and got out of the pharmacy, "We should go now."

Rosita's POV:

I made myself comfortable in the bed and let my hand wander to stomach, knowing that a new life was growing within me.

The idea was still surreal to me, but I was already in love with my unborn child, if that was even possible. I definitely didn't ever think I would be a mother in the end of the world but I knew that I wanted this more than anything now. Also Daryl seemed happy about the pregnancy too. I thought about how much our life would be changing in just a few short months. I knew having a baby in a post apocalyptic world would not be easy. Daryl had some genuine concerns about raising a child in this dangerous world but as long as we stayed on the Hilltop we would be safe. We could start to look for baby supplies and Dr. Carson was there throughout the pregnancy and birth. Plus, I was surrounded by a few women who would help me out like Carol, Maggie, Tara, Michonne... I took a deep breathe and hoped that everything will work out in the end.

Daryl's POV:

"There is nothing here." I said, eyeing the bloody street from where I stood, there was nothing but few ruined houses. "We should get back to the car, c'mon."

"But- we still have places to check," Alexis protested as still looking at the map.

"We need more gas for it." I stated.

She put her finger on the red circled point somewhere in the map and turned her face to me, "Are we really gonna go back without looking for some more stuff?"

I bit my lip- I just wanted to go back to Rosita as fast as possible.

"Where did you leave the car?" She asked.

"It was in front of one of the buildings."

We turned the corner to see 5 people in the abandoned building in front of our car, and their weapons were turned to us.

"Daryl-" Alexis whispered.

"Shit." I growled.

"Give your stuff to us, then you're free to leave." A man shouted to us.

"Nah, we ain't gonna do that." I yelled back as they lifted their weapons.

"Daryl- I think we should do it, they have numbers, and we can't go back without the car." Alexis said hysterically.

"We can't- we've already found so many things." I said, desperately thinking about the baby stuff for Rosita.

It looked like Alexis knew what I was thinking, "We don't have to give them to the pregnancy stuff-"

"What y'all talking in there? Give us what you have or we'll kill you!" One of them shouted at us and I put my finger in the trigger of my gun.

"Ready?" I whispered to Alexis.

"Daryl, it's too dangerous-"

But I pulled the trigger and one of them fell on the ground. Bullets were flying everwhere after a second. I saw with the corner of my eye that one of the bullets missed Alexis, but we managed to kill most of them.

But when another gunshot rang out, I felt a searing pain in my chest. The bullet hit me just above my chest.

I fell forward with my hand clutching at my bleeding chest. I wanted to keep fighting but the pain was starting to get into me. I watched the gunfight blankly.

"Shit-" Alexis gasped as she was looking down at me, she killed the rest of the men and knelt down beside me.

I took some clumsy steps to the car but fell back and fought to take a deep breath but the pain was too intense and the simple effort proved itself too taxing for my exhausted body.

"Stay still, don't move-" Alexis said and ran to the car to take the first aid kit.

Retrieving the medical bag, she returned to the floor where I was laying and pulled open the bag in search of bandages, gauze, medicine and other vital pieces of medical equipment that could be used. Using clean white bandages, Alexis pressed the absorbent fabric down against the bleeding wound.

"The bullet is still inside your chest-"

I barely heard her. My eyes were darkening.

"Daryl, no, no- not here. We should go to the car, c'mon." She said and helped me to go to car, I laid in the backseat weakly as she was trying to clean the wound.

Suddenly her voice got muffled, my ears began to rang out and my eyes darkened...

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