Chapter 6

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Rosita's POV:

"Open the gate! Open the gate right now!"

I heard some voices coming from the outside, I felt like something bad happened. I got out of at my house and started to run to gates.

"What happened?" I asked to Gabriel who is at the watch tower.

"Daryl got shot, they took him to the infirmary." He replied.

My heart stopped.
I started to run to infirmary.

I found him laying in the bed. Maggie's doctor -Carson- were taking care of him. There was a bloody bandage on his chest and he was looking so pale.

"Daryl-" I approached to the bed.

"He need to rest right now." Doctor Carson said while watering the cloth.

"Okay.." I nodded but I was about to cry.

I think Doctor Carson saw my face, so he said with a softer voice.
"But you can stay, just don't make any voices, okay?"

I nodded again. "Thank you."

I sat next to him when Doctor Carson leave the room.

I don't know how long I've been there. All I know is people came to visit Daryl and they left when they see him unconscious.
But I couldn't even move an inch from him, I don't know why but I couldn't.

"Why are you here?" Carol said.
I didn't even notice her coming to room.

"I have the same reason as you."
I replied.

She chuckled. "It looks like you get over Abraham, am I right?"

I looked at her with anger. She was still laughing at me.

But suddenly Maggie and Glenn came to room and I acted like nothing happened between Carol and me. Because Maggie is pregnant and I don't want to make her sad like such things.

"How's he?" Glenn asked.

"Still unconscious." My voice cracked.

Maggie looked at me with a sad smile. "You should go rest some, Rosita, we can look out for him."

I shook my head. "I am staying."

"No, you should go, I bet you are not the first thing Daryl would want to see when he wakes up." Carol said with a low voice.

Before anybody stops me I grabbed my knife and put it on to her neck. "And I bet you are not the thing Daryl want to see anyday."

She grabbed my wrist but I kept the knife closer to her neck. And now there was a thin scratch on her neck.

"Rosita, stop it!" Glenn grabbed my hand and pulled me away from her. Maggie did the same for Carol.

Carol looked at the scratch on her neck. "Oh my god." She screamed. "You are crazy!"

Damn, she is really getting on my nerves. "Stop the exaggeration, okay? It is not even bleeding." I said.

She was looking like she would kill me at the moment, so Maggie and Glenn decided that it is best to keep us away from each other and they got her out of at the room.

I was alone in the room after a second, praying and waiting for him to wake up..

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