Chapter 42

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We followed her in silence.

"Do you think this is a good idea?" I touched Daryl's arm and whispered.

"Well, we're about to find out I guess." Daryl replied.

Rosita's POV:

"I'm gonna go call Rick." Tara said when we approached to the cell. "Be careful on that prick."

Daryl pushed Dwight into the cell and tied him up again.

We started to wait in silence. I was thinking about all the things that happened because of Dwight. He killed Denise. The thought of Tara lost her girlfriend made my heart hurt.

When Rick and Michonne came to the cell I grazed out of my thoughts.

"How did you find him?" Rick asked.

"We were staying in a old building in front of the sanctuary and that night we heard voices-" Daryl started to tell the whole story.

"Rosita-" Michonne said, "Tara was looking pretty sad, I think you should talk to her. Seeing him again messed her up."

I nodded. "I"ll take care of her."

I got out of the cell and headed to Tara's house.

I found her sitting at the porch in front of her house. She was looking something in her hands. I approached her to see what it was; she was holding a bubblehead figure of a girl doctor. Just like Denise.

"Tara-?" I sat next to her. "Are you alright?"

"Leave me alone." She took deep breaths and dried her eyes, only for more tears to fall. 

I wrapped my arms around her quickly,
"It's okay. It's okay."

"No, it is not." She whispered. "It will never be okay."

I wiped away some tears and pulled back to look at her.

"Is that just because of Dwight?" I asked and she shook her head.

"No, I just- I lost Denise and my whole family. I don't even know if I want to keep going anymore."

"Don't say that, it's okay, I understand you-"

"You can't understand me," She raised her voice, "You have everything you want. I mean- You even have a boyfriend." She sarcastically laughed with the last word.

"What does Daryl have to do with that?" I asked coldly.

She didn't say anything. I sighed and tried to got up but Tara's hand held mine.

"Wait- I was lying, I don't wanna be alone." She said quickly and I sat up next to her again while Tara was still holding my hand.

"Don't leave me," She whispered, "I don't wanna be alone."

Then I felt Tara's hand at my chin. It was the moment when I realized that we were sitting so close.

"Tara-" My voice sounded like a warning. "I need to go."

"Stay a little more." She started to stroke my cheek softly. "Please."

Before my brain could catch up with what was happening, Tara's soft lips brushed against mine. I froze. Tara didn't seem to notice; she simply closed her eyes and slid her hand around my back pulling me as close as possible. I wanted to move, push her away, and tell her it was wrong for me. But I couldn't do that, till I remembered him.


Suddenly the thought of him flashed on my mind as I abruptly broke away. My senses and self-control had returned.

"I- I'm sorry, I-" Tara started.

"No. You are not. You are not sorry." I said and my voice cracked. I got up and started to walk away.

"I've always wanted us to be more than friends." She shouted but I didn't turn my back. I kept walking.

The harsh wind whipped at my hair as I continued walking, I knew it was cold but I couldn't feel it. I was crying.

What the fuck did just happen?


Note: I am sorry if I messed with your feelings with this chapter but Rosita loves only Daryl, trust me on that.🙃💖

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