Chapter 11

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*2 weeks long time jump*

Rosita's POV:

I still can't believe what happened before 2 weeks ago. Everything seems like a dream which I don't want to wake up to. When every morning I see him next to me in the bed, I thought about how lucky I am.
I found a man who loves me as much as I love him.
I found my reason to fight for.

But we still have to deal with that puta called Negan. And the Saviours keep taking our weapons each week so we don't have any chance to do anything about it, not yet at least.

But Rick decided to had a meeting at the church to talk about what are we gonna do next.

Daryl and I headed to church with all the Alexandrian's and Rick started to talk.

"We can't just giving him what he wants, we can't live like that.
We can stop that.
Here's the deal, we're gonna go get to Hilltop and other communities. And then we're gonna tell them about our plan. Some of them may want to fight with us. We should try."

All of us agreed with him and then Rick chose the people who are gonna go to Hilltop. He chose Daryl first and Carol volunteered. I shook my head.

"No way." I said and everyone looked at me. "I'm coming with Daryl."

Carol rolled her eyes but Rick accepted it and then he chose Michonne, Tara, Enid, Carl, Sasha and Morgan to come with us.

"We don't have much time, everyone, get in the car!" Rick said.

We took the RV and Sasha started to drive.

I sat next to Daryl and put my head on his shoulder. He held my hand and I smiled.

RV stopped in front of the gates which there were five people on the guard tower. But they let us in without asking questions.

"We'll talk to Gregory, you guys can wait here." Rick said and went to Gregory's room with Michonne.

"Hey, let's look around a little."
Daryl said and pecked my lips.
I smiled at a little. He knows that, this is my first time coming to Hilltop.

We walked inside of the big house,
I memorized everything I saw. Then we came to the doctor Carson's office. He is at the Alexandria with Maggie right now but his stuff was still there.

"Daryl! Look at this!" I pointed the ultrasound device.
"Maybe we can need this someday."

"I don't know about this."
Daryl bit his lip.

I turned my face to him. "Are you serious?"

And just like that, all of my fears came thru in waves..
I knew it. He just wants me for his bed, just like Abraham and Spencer. And of course he doesn't want a baby with me. I'm so stupid, I thought he was different-

"Rosita," He lifted my chin gently,
"I know what you're thinkin', but it's not that. I just want you to be safe and sound. Having a baby ain't a good option for this world. And I don't want you to get hurt while giving birth."

I didn't say anything and turned my face off of him but I could tell that my expression got softer.

He came up behind me and hugged me on the back.
"You know I love you."

I couldn't help myself but giggled. "OK, I forgive you."

"That's good." He softly whispered to my ear and right after that I grabbed his face and kissed him hard.

The kiss was about to go more deep and passionate but suddenly Tara came to room.

"Rick told me to- eww guys, you're so gross!" She screamed and got out of the room quickly.

We got pulled away and laughed. Daryl grabbed my hand and we went to hallway.

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