Chapter 35

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Daryl's POV:

"I feel better now." She said after a deep breathe she took. I gently kissed the top of her head.

And we laid together... I could lay there for hours, even years with her and it would still be perfect.

Next morning I opened my eyes slowly and looked at her with a little smile. She was so beautiful. I still can't believe that she is with me.

I got out of the bed carefully for not to wake her up and I quickly dressed up.

Then I got out of our house and headed to the gates. Rick was standing there with Michonne.

"What's the new plan now?" I asked them.

"I think we should go back to sanctuary for another attack-" Michonne said.

Rick cut her off, "No, we're not gonna do that. We don't have enough ammunition."

"So what, ain't we gonna do somethin'?" I said with an impatient voice.

"We just lost Glenn... and so many people died too. We should wait." Rick stated.

Michonne looked at the graveyard and took a deep breathe. "You are right, we should wait."

I turned my back to see the graveyard: Maggie was there and she was crying again.

"This doesn't change anythin'. We can still end this fight." I said.

Rick took a deep breathe, "Daryl, I know that you want revenge but we can't do anything with such ammunition."

I looked at him with anger.

"You want to keep Rosita safe, I get it, but we should make a better plan." Rick said.

I was about to say something, something harsh. But suddenly I felt a warm and a little hand on my shoulder: Rosita was right next to me. She placed her hand on my shoulder and I shivered with relief. It was amazing how she can calmed me down within a second.

"What are you guys doing here?" She asked.

I grabbed her hand which was on my shoulder and kissed the top of it. "Nothin'."

She smiled at me while we started walking as if Michonne and Rick wasn't there.

"Are you okay?" She asked when we put a safe distance between Rick and Michonne.

"Yeah but, I just want it to be end. I am sick of all these Negan shit."

She nodded, "Me too."

"We should do something." I said and she looked at me with a confused expression on her face.

"Like what?"

"Y'know- I can go and kill him..." She looked at me with disbelief so I added quickly, "I will be fine."

"Do you really think that I would let you go? She shouted.

"Shh, be quiet." I held her hand and tried to calm her down.

"I want to kill him one way or another." I said.

"Then I'll come too."

I shook my head, "You can't."

"No, I can. 'Cause I am not gonna let you go alone. Whatever you say."

I looked at her and understood that I wouldn't change her mind.

"You are..." I came close to her. "...something else."

I held her on her waist and kissed her slowly. She turned back to kiss and grabbed the back of my head...


Suddenly Tobin's scream shattered the air and we broke apart immediately.


Two large truck hit the Alexandria's walls. Millions of walkers started to walk into the Alexandria as the gates and walls were collapsing.

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