Chapter 16

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Rosita's POV:

"Hello there." A man named Dave said.

He locked me into small cell and untie the ropes on me.

And then he approached to me and put his hand on my thighs. I pushed him off of me and and kicked his balls hard, he screamed in pain.

"Don't touch me again!" I said and started to step back.

"Damn it!" He yelled and punched me in the face couple times, then he pushed me on the ground. I felt blood run down on my face.

"What are you doin' here, Davey?"

I heard Negan came to room, but I didn't even move. He lifted my head roughly and forced me to look at him.

"You're gonna be my wife, right?" Negan smirked.

"You should kill me first." I said and step back to him, I only stopped when my back hit the wall.

His smirk faded. "OK, then. This was your choice."

Negan turned to Dave who stood awkwardly in the cell. "You're feel free to do anything to this woman, until she accepts my offer." He said.

He got out off the cell and Dave locked the door.

Daryl's POV:

I have some ideas about where she is and first place I'm gonna check is sanctuary of Garbage People.

I stopped my bike and looked around. I lifted my crossbow because some of them were coming on to me with their weapons on.

"Where is she?" I said angrily, dozen of Garbage People surrounded me and I said again, "Where is Rosita?"

"How do you know that we captured her?" Jadis said.

"Did you?" I asked with hurried.

Jadis and few of Garbage People laughed annoyingly, I wanted to kill them right there but I clenched my teeth.

"We didn't." Jadis said. "But we helped."

"Who?" I asked. "Who captured her?"

Jadis smirked and said, "The Saviors."

"Did you get all the grenades with ya?" I asked.

"Yeah-" Rick said. "We're on our way, Daryl, wait for us-"

I shutted down the walkie-talkie and hid my bike between the trees.

I was standing in front of the Negan's sanctuary, I'm not gonna wait for Rick and his 'rescue group' because I can't just stay here knowing that she is with these assholes right now.

I kept my weapon close and started run to the back door in front of the fences. Because this was the only way to get in the sanctuary without seen by someone.

Luckily, it was middle of the night so I didn't see anyone except few of people who wears the same outfit just like prisoners, they slowly headed to their cells and they didn't see me.

Suddenly I heard a voice and I hid behind the wall, it was unnecessary though, because everything was hidden in the dark.

"She's a tough one," Someone said, "She killed the Rapey Davey. And she isn't gonna kneel."

"She will." I recognized Dwight's voice. "Everyone does in the end."

I couldn't hear anything for awhile. Then someone opened a door, and I heard Dwight's voice again.

"Negan wants to see you, Rosita."

That was enough for me.
I tried to go run into the cell but someone stopped me, I felt a hand on my shoulder. Then someone whispered,


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