Chapter 5

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Daryl's POV:

I packed my stuff for the run. I threw a gun and more bullets into my bag. And also I got some canned food and water.

I didn't want Rosita to come because this is not a simple run. Morgan is going to make a map so we can go to check on Negan's place.

I headed off to gates and got my motorcycle.

Rosita was there,
waiting for me, I guess.
She had an angry expression on her face. Probably she is still pissed at me for not letting her to come. But I didn't care because she is gonna be safe here.

"Ain't you gonna say goodbye?" I said.

She folded her arms but smiled a little.

Suddenly Carol, Morgan and Aaron showed up. Without any warning, Carol sat on my motorcycle and put her hands on my shoulders.

Rosita's expression got dull and she quickly said "good luck" to us before headed back.
Aaron and Morgan got the car, Gabriel opened the gate for us and After a second we were out of Alexandria.

Rosita's POV:

I started to feel strangely sad when Daryl left. He is the only one who truly understands me. But I hate it when he had to go out for scavenging.

And in the other hand Carol is started to getting on my nerves. Didn't she supposed to be doing laundry -or something like that- instead of going run with Daryl?

I made myself a coffee and I headed to porch. I started to watch what people were doing to spend time..
I saw Glenn and Maggie in the right next to armory. Maggie's baby bump was quite obvious and they were looking happy and hopeful despite the fact that what we've been through with Negan. Then I watched Enid who taking care of Judith. Tara was with her and she was trying to cheer Judith up to stop her crying.

After that I remembered the night when the Saviours took us to line up, how terrified we were all. But at least, we have something to fight for, we have this group, and family.

Daryl's POV:

"I'm goin' in." I whispered.

Carol grabbed my shirt. "No, Daryl, you can't do this on your own."

I looked at the old building and raised my gun. There were few walkers but
Morgan found a way that we can go inside the building without seeing by anyone. So I can tell that walkers are not a danger for us.

"Guys," Aaron said. "Look at it."

He pointed one of the windows, there was someone who has a gun, sniper, probably.

"I'm going in." I said again and before someone stop me I started to run.

"No, Daryl wait!" I heard Morgan's whisper but I didn't turn back.

I ran into the Negan's sanctuary, I couldn't see anyone but walkers so I ran with a gun in my hand. After a second Carol showed up next to me.
We hid behind the container and started to wait for the others.

Morgan and Aaron looked at us with confusion and then I heard gunshots.
And smoke was everywhere, it was hard to see anything. I started to cough.

"They saw us!" Carol shouted and we started to run off.

We got out of sanctuary and we reached the car we hid through the trees.

"Daryl!" Suddenly Carol shouted.

But it was too late. A bullet hit my chest and I fell on the ground.
It was bleeding so bad. All I could see was blood..
Then I lost my vision.

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