Chapter 23

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Rosita's POV:


A big blast sounded from behind us,
I ducked and covered my head, Daryl ran over to me, making sure that I'm alright.

Oceanside People started scream, they ran into the lake, almost trampling over me. I reached for Daryl's hand and together we stand up to see what happened.

"Damn." Tara whispered.

Oceanside's shelters and almost half of the forest were burning and flames were spreading fast.

I coughed. The smoke was everywhere.

"We should go!" Rick shouted and Daryl gripped my hand, we started run to the lake and boats.

"Guys! LOOK!" I heard Aaron's yell and quickly turned my back.

The Saviors were coming with holding their weapons. I saw few of hand bombs which caused the explosion.

It happened all so quickly, when they notice that we saw them, they started to shoot at us. We heard few of shot sounds and then I saw a woman from Oceanside falling on the ground with blood running down on her head.

Everyone stopped for a fraction of a second before another shot went off.

"GO!" Natania yelled and leaded her people to protect them.

But our group stayed to shot them all. I lifted my gun and tried to kill as many Savior as I can.

"Drop your guns or we don't hesitate to kill y'all!" I recognized Simon's voice.

Rick didn't answer and kept shooting. But they were so many against us.

"Rick!" I yelled at Rick because it was hard to hear anything but gunshot voices. "We can't make it, they're too many!"

I don't know if he heard me or not, but after a minute he shouted at us, "We should go!"

And we started run to the lake, still firing our guns.

"Gabriel! Hurry up!" I yelled at Gabriel who trying to sit on the boat with slow movements.

"This thing is shaking so bad-" Gabriel said.

"Because this is a fuckin' boat, man! Get in!" Daryl yelled.

But finally he got in the boat.

It happened when I lifted my feet to pull myself to the boat, a shot rang out and I didn't feel the pain at first.

''No-'' Daryl whispered in fear.

I looked down at my chest, blood dripping everywhere. Daryl gripped me when I was about fell off and he pulled me to the boat. Tears rolled freely down my face, I was wrapped in a big embrace of a strong arms and recognised it was Daryl. I looked up to him.

"Daryl-'' I couldn't say anything more, my eyes fluttered.

''No...Keep your eyes open, Rosita, Keep your eyes open for me-" He said placing his hand to my wound. His hand covered with blood in a second.

''Keep your eyes open for me, you'll be okay...'' He said.

But my eyes closed after a second, last thing I see was Daryl's sobbing silently.

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