Chapter 45

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"You don't want Tara to come? Why?"

"I just-" I bit my lip. "I don't know, just don't tell her."

Michonne nodded, "Alright. Take your stuff and meet me in Rick's place."

Rosita's POV:

I quickly prepared a bag with guns, canned food and medical stuff, then I headed to meet Michonne. I found her in front of the house which she shares with Rick.

"Hey, are you ready?" I asked.

"Yeah, I just talked to Rick, he is not happy with it, but he decided for us to go." She replied.

"Wait, I thought Rick went on a run with Daryl and Aaron." I said.

"He decided to stay," She chuckled, "I bet he just wants to be there when we came back."

I felt a pain deep down in my heart with her words, because that thought reminded me Daryl. I tried not to think about how far away he is from me now, I adjusted my heavy packbag on my shoulder, "Okay, let's go then."


Rick was waiting for us in the gate, he kept looking at Michonne but didn't say anything.

"Rick, I told you already, we'll be back soon and nothing's gonna happen." Michonne sighed.

I gave her an understanding look, if Daryl was there, he wouldn't want me to go too.

Rick took a deep breath and started to prepare our car, then he checked the amount of gasoline. Finally he raised his head to look at Michonne. I kept myself busy with filling the luggage while they were giving each other kiss good-bye.

"Be safe." Rick said and we finally we got in the car.

"Alright," I shut the car door and Michonne made her way around to the driver side of the vehicle. "Let's hit the road."

She started to drive and I got myself comfortable in the seat.

"So, is everything okay with Daryl?" Michonne asked after a while.

I jumped suddenly, "Yeah, of course, I mean- why not?"

She gave me a puzzled look, "Woah, calm down girl, I just asked."

"Yeah," I dig my nails into the surface of my seat. "Everything's fine."

I looked out of the window for the rest of the ride, and tried to enjoy the green meadows full of walkers.


Daryl's POV:

Aaron kept driving through the empty and dirty road. And I kept looking at the dirty window. I wasn't even seeing anything.
I was thinking.

I was thinking about her. How she changed me - in a good way. At first I was nothing but a stone hearted asshole. But then she came and my whole world got upside down. No, she became my whole world. And I am still going crazy thinking about how, or why, she fell for me.

Somedays I am still thinking about that I am not good for her. Not young enough, or not-...just enough. I don't even mention my past. Someone like her deserves someone without scars from childhood. And that thought still burns deep inside of me.

My thoughts interrupted with Aaron's voice, "You've been quiet more than usual."
He turned the wheel, "You good man?"

"Yeah," I started to look at the dried blood stained road, "I'm not in the mood for talking."

Aaron laughed, "You never in a mood for talking. I guess Rosita is the only one who knows how to make you talk."

I couldn't help but smiled. He was right.

Aaron stopped looking at the road for a brief second and he turned his face to me, "What bothers you? Tell me."

I put my hand in the sharp side of my knife and held it here. I could tell him.

"Sometimes, I'm thinking Rosita deserves better than me. Y'know, I love her so much but it bugs me to think about that I am not good enough for her-" I stopped talking whwn I see the look on his face. "What?"

Aaron turned his face to road again, "Stop being this dumb, Daryl. Rosita loves you and wants you. So what are you bothering yourself with these thoughts?"

I sighed, "Yeah, but, she is just too perfect for me and I still can't believe my luck."

He laughed while stopping the car near some desolated stores and a pharmacy. We were close to city. "Don't underestimate yourself that much, Daryl."

Then we filled our weapons and got out of the car.

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