Chapter 22

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Daryl's POV:

"Natania! There are people in here!

Women with guns surrounded us after that scream, we lifted our weapons towards them but they were so many.

I reached out for Rosita and saw her next to me, holding her gun tightly. We looked into eyes to each other for a second, then someone yelled,

"Put your gun down!"

I looked at Rick when he put his gun down on the ground and I did the same after a little hesitate.

Suddenly an old woman showed up in the crowd and everyone turned to her.

"Who the hell are you people? And what are you want from us?"
The woman called Natania talked in a deep voice.

"We were looking for supplies and weapons, and found your community." Rick told her.

"You should leave before we kill each one of you." Natania said.

"We can make a deal." Rick said quickly.

Natania raised her eyebrows, "What kind of a deal?"

"We can talk about that." Rick said.

Natania looked at her people for a second, then she lifted her hand to tell them putting their guns down. Women put their gun with rapidly, after a minute Rick and Natania went one of the houses to talk about the deal.

"I hope she accepts it." Michonne said looking over the house where Rick and Natania talks.

"Did ya seen their armory?" I asked to them.

Gabriel nodded, "Everything we need was there."

"They can really help with those weapons if they want to fight with us." Rosita said playing with her fingerless gloves.

After a minutes Rick came to us, smiling.

"She accepted the deal, they're going to give us weapons." Rick said, "And Natania told me that The Saviors killed their men, so some of them wants to fight us."

Rosita crossed her arms smiling and I grinned at her happily because we had finally found right amount of people for the war.

I came closer to her and held her hand. We started to walk around while watching 'Oceanside' people.
I pulled her into a lit up area of the forest for more privacy.

She flung her arms around my neck and kissed me full on the mouth, deeply. I grinned when I feel her soft lips. It was the best feeling ever.

It was like I lost my mind, I didn't even remember how long we stood there like that. I didn't even heard someone's fast foot-steps coming to us.

She ran her fingers through my hair while my hands traveling down on her body.


We immediately pulled away and saw Tara who running at us.

"Hate to cut this romantic scene off but-" She said out of breathe and pointed out of the somewhere in forest: a couple of dozen walkers were coming at our way.

"Shit." I said.

We started to run as fast as we can.
I saw Rick and the others, they were shooting at walkers but they were too many to kill.

Rosita, Tara and I stopped to firing our guns, I killed one who comes dangerously close to Rosita. Oceanside people came to help us in a heartbeat. I let out my breathe, knowing that we're able to kill them off right now.


I quickly turned around to see a huge fire explosion and I gasped.

Oceanside was burning up.

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