Chapter 71

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"I was trying to help, Daryl." Carol said sounding like a bit resentful.

"Yeah, whatever." I said and got out of the tent. I headed out to the camp. I was gonna find Alexis to know what the hell she wants this time.

Daryl's POV:

I found Alexis in her own home, she was packing her stuff; there was a medium sized camp bag in the floor and it was filled with canned food and ammo.

"What are ya doin' here?" I asked. She looked up and met my eyes.

"I'm leaving."

"What? Where?" I asked.

"I can't stay here anymore."

I waited for her to keep talking but she took a deep breathe and avoided my gaze.

"Is that because of Rosita?" I said in a deep voice.

"Daryl- please don't keep this going. I just wanna go." She rubbed her face tiredly and kept packing her bag. "I wanna start over- somewhere far away from here."

"Do ya think you'll survive out there? Do ya think you'll be safe without a group like ours?" I took a step closer to her angrily.

"I can survive- actually I'm better on my own!" She angrily wiped the tears away from her face, grabbed her pistol and bag.
"Aren’t you gonna say goodbye?" She smirked.

I growled something under my breathe.

"I know that you're not good at goodbye's, Daryl." She rolled her eyes and put her hand in mine. I suddenly got tensed thinking about Rosita.

"Do you want me to stay?" She asked.

I hesitated, "I just can't handle the fact that you decide to live alone. I want you to be safe so I believe that you should stay here."
I slipped my hand away from hers. "I want you to stay but it's not like that, Alexis."

She nodded slowly.

"Okay." She smiled a little with tears in her eyes. "I'll stay."

Rosita's POV:

Pregnancy has been rough for the past few days. It was even more exhausting than ever. Daryl wants me stay away from action and trouble but how can I do that when we're living in an apocalyptic world?

"Hey, babe."

I heard Daryl enter through the door. I left my empty tea cup to the sink and headed out to the living room.

"Hey." I replied with giving him a light kiss on the lips. "Where have you been?"

"I had to get some shit done."

Our eyes locked. I needed him. I looked up into warm ocean eyes of the man I love. His eyes shone with light and passion. As my chin tilted up, Daryl took it in one large, gentle hand and raised my lips to his own. My arms snaked around his neck, my fingers running through the unruly dark hair. I closed my eyes, my tongue hungrily seeking his. When he opened his mouth, I sighed deeply.

He traced fiery kisses from my lips, down my neck. We both were breathing heavily. I took in his leather and cigarette scent. His hands ran up and down my arms. Each touch sent shivers up my spine. We laid back onto the bed. I held him close and he hugged me tightly, as if afraid to let go.

I was ready to let his belt open but he stopped me by putting his hand above mine. "Rosita- I-"

He didn't speak for a moment, I sat on the bed carefully and asked, "What?"

"I jus' want to say that- I love you...more than I love myself." He looked at me really deep in the eyes that I was lost for a moment.

"Daryl- you don't have to say it, I know how you feel." I put my hand gently on his cheek, "I love you too."

He leaned in to my touch, "I don't know what to do if something happens to you."

"Nothing is gonna happen to us. We'll live. You, me, and-" I led his hand onto my belly. "-our baby."

He smiled tiredly and wrapped his arm around me, I let out a breathe happily.

But suddenly someone started knocking the door and Daryl jumped out of the bed quickly.

I didn't even move. I was mad at whoever at the door is for ruining our moment.

"The herd is getting closer..."
It was Jesus at the door, I could hear them talk from where I've been. "You should come real quick, man-"

"Okay, lemme grab my stuff." Daryl said and I got out of the bed when Daryl slammed the door shut.

"Daryl?" I bit my lip.

Daryl started to wear his boots and then grabbed his crossbow. But he immediately approached to me when he saw the look on my face. "I'm sorry, babe. I have to go." He rubbed my face with his thumb, "I'll be fine, okay?"

"Okay." I said, my voice was almost a whisper. I leaned in and kissed him once more. "Be safe."

"I will."

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