Chapter 39

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We prepared a bag with guns, binoculars and flashlights. After a five minutes, we were done.

"One more kiss before the mission?" Daryl asked, a sly smile blessing his handsome face. I laughed and pulled him to me for a kiss once more.

Rosita's POV:

The roadtrip to the sanctuary was pretty unproblematic and quiet.
We only bumped into few walkers, nothing more.

After an hour ago Daryl stopped the car somewhere near the sanctuary. He put his hand on my cheek gently,
"Are you okay?"

"Yes," I replied, "I'm just nervous."

"Me too." He said.

We got out of the car and started to walk to the back of the sanctuary with quick and silent steps.

I lifted up my weapon and tried to find somewhere to hide, so we could check out the place without seeing by anyone.

"Here," Daryl whispered and pointed out to the another building near the sanctuary.

I nodded silently as we started walking to the building.

We got into the building using the fire escape.

The building was all clean and it was filled with empty cans.

"It looks like someone is staying here." I said studying the place.

"Yeah," Daryl replied, "But it has a clear view of the sanctuary." He pointed out the window, "Look at this."

I approached to the window to see the whole sanctuary. "I can see everwhere in here."

Daryl nodded and handed me the binocular. I took it and tried to study every detail of the place through looking at the binocular. It was almost night so I didn't see anything at all.

"Negan's not here." I said.

"He is probably inside of the building." Daryl replied.

"Do you think we'll be able to kill him?"

"I don't know but we should try." Daryl said and walked past to the window then sat on the floor.

I bit my lip thinking what is gonna happen. We didn't tell Rick about our plan because he probably would say no. And Daryl was right, we should try at least.

"You're right." I said and sat next to him. "But we should wait till he comes outside. It'll be a complete suicide mission if we try to find him inside."

Daryl nodded as I was checking out my gun, "You should rest some. I'll take the watch."

I didn't want to protest because I was so tired, so I put my head on Daryl's lap and drifted into the restless sleep.


"Rosita. Rosita!"

I opened my eyes slowly as I felt Daryl's hand on my shoulder. He was shaking me slightly to wake me up.

"W-what--?" I murmured as I got up.

"I think someone is here." He said and grabbed his gun.

I was fully awake now. I quickly approached to the fire escape which was coming some noises from. I held out my breath as I saw a shadowy figure who was coming from the stairs.

Daryl walked to the fire escape to position his crossbow, "Almost here."

Then he fired his weapon as I heard the painful scream coming from the stairs. And I understood that Daryl just hit the man.

I came close to the window to see him clearly. But he didn't fall as I expect, instead of that he pulled himself to the window and jumped to the room which we were in.

He looked at the arrow which was stuck in his arm and said, "You didn't hit the target at all this time, Daryl."

I recognized this voice in a second.


Daryl said before his fist found its way onto Dwight's face.

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