Chapter 48

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"But you're hurt..." I got out of the car and helped her to took the bags from the luggage.

"It isn't bad at all. We can wrap it later."

With that, we took our stuff and started to find a place to stay in the dark forest.

Daryl's POV:

The car ate up the miles as we made our way back to the Alexandria. I was tired as hell, but I was so excited to give Rosita the necklace I found. I started to imagine her shiny eyes and beautiful smile. I took the necklace out of my pocket and looked at it once again. I softly touched the silver rose, my thumb sliding the little symbol.

Aaron looked me and smiled, "You're lucky. All this time, all I had found for Eric was just canned food." His face saddened and his smile disappeared, remembering Eric's death.

"I'm sorry, man." I said, putting the necklace in my pocket.

He turned the steering wheel into another road, it was almost midnight now but we were getting close to home with each second. "I'm sorry too." He whispered.

"We can go to Kindgom and Hilltop later. We should take the stuff we found to Alexandria first." Aaron said and I nodded.

The welcome sight of the Alexandria suddenly pulled us out of our thoughts. Aaron stopped the car near the gate. I grabbed my pack and shouldered my crossbow before pushing the door open and bailed out.

Rick quickly went down from the watch tower's stairs. He met me at the entrance, his worried blue eyes locked in mine. Aaron walked past us, giving Rick a half smile.

"Everything okay?" Rick asked. "Did you get the stuff?"

"Yeah, we got it," I answered, my gaze darting around the Alexandria.

"Is everything okay here? Is Rosita okay?" I asked, taking in the Rick's pale face and his anxious expression.

No answer.

Shit. This can't be good.

Rick's nervous expression grew.

"Rick?" I repeated. "Where's Rosita? Is something happened?" My voice raised hysterically as Rick remained silent. "Where the fuck is she?"

He finally explained. "Rosita and Michonne went on a run. And they didn't come back, yet."

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

"The place I sent them to find weapons is not far away and they should had to be here now...-" He stopped talking when he met my angry gaze.

Anger and sadness, hot and bright and welcome, flared.

"And you let her go, am I right?" I growled.

Rick put his palm on my shoulder, a useless attempt to calm me down. "Listen, Michonne is out there too. I am as concerned as you."

I shrugged and put my hands on the pockets on my pants. Then I felt it. The necklace.

My hand tightened around it as I felt a pain deep down on my heart. This wasn't what I imagined. I thought she will be there, safe, happy to see me... but now I don't even know if she is alive or not.

No way. No fucking way. I can't lose her.

I shook my head angrily at the thought of her alone and hurting. I turned around and walked to the car.

"Where are you going?" Rick asked.

"I'm gonna find her." I said harshly.

"Wait-" Rick shouted and approached to me.

"What?!" I said gripping the necklace. The rose symbol cut my flesh slightly.

"Do you know which way did they go? You don't." He glanced at me, "I am coming too."

I didn't find any strength to oppose it.

"Fuck. Okay. Get in the car. You'll drive." I said and hopped on the car's seat.

Rosita's POV:

"You good?"

"I told you, I am fine." Michonne hissed.

I kept holding her with my arm around her shoulder, I glanced at her left leg. Luckily, it wasn't bleeding anymore.

"Just a little more." I encouraged her to walk. "I swear, I saw suburbs near the forest. We are getting closer."

We kept walking slowly. Darkness filled everywhere and moonlight brightened our path.

"You know, we could just stay in the tent for tonight. I have one in my pack." Michonne said.

"And we'll be walker bait. Nope." I replied.

Luckily, after ten minutes, three house came into our view. All of them were the same type, cracked surfaces covered with moss.

We slowly approached to the nearest house to us, I silently hoped that it was clean from the walkers, and cracked the door open.

"Wait here." I said to Michonne and held my gun tightly.

I checked every inch of the little house. Luckily, it was clean from walkers. All I found was blood stains. But there was no dead.

"It's safe!" I said and Michonne stepped on the house too.

She jumped on a dusty coach and stretched her leg. I sat on the another couch, my muscles protested as I rolled my shoulders and stretched to ease the stiffness from carrying Michonne.

"Home sweet home."

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