Chapter 52

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"Keep - going -" I panted, he moaned as a reply.

The world and all of its problems could wait. For now, all we needed was each other.

Daryl's POV:

My eyes scanned over while she was sleeping. Her breathing was slow and steady, telling me she's in a peaceful sleep. Her eyes not shut too tightly. Her arms were wrapped around me like she doesn't want me to go anywhere. I found myself reaching up and stroking my finger along her jawline. She was so beautiful.

I sighed contentedly and smelled her hair. She smelled like vanilla, that scent which drives me crazy.

Rosita began to stir and I gave her a kiss on the head and said, "Mornin'."

She responded by burying her face into my chest. "Morning." She said and snuggled her warm body close to mine.

Then I suddenly remembered. The necklace.

I jumped out of the bed with Rosita's confused glance, searching for my jacket to find the necklace.

"Daryl, what are you doing?" She asked.

"Uhm- nothing."

I grabbed my jacket on the floor and took the necklace out of its pocket. I was pretty proud of what I was about to give her.

I wasn't good at this gift-giving crap but I thought giving her something nice which was from the world before the apocalypse, could make her happy.

"What is it?" She asked carefully, getting out of the bed, grabbed her bra.

I turned my face to her and awkwardly opened my palm at her. The necklace lit up by the sunlight which was coming from the windows. Her eyes widen as she looking at the necklace.


She put her arms around me with a smile. I proudly smiled too, as if she's happy (and surprised) it means that I didn't actually fuck this up.

She kissed me hard on the lips, when we finally broke apart for a breath, I put it in to her. She lightly touched at the rose symbol just above her chest.

" you like it?" I asked.

"I love it." She looked up at me. "But why?"

"I found it on the run. I thought it'd be a loss if I didn't take it for you."

She looked at me with love and lust in her eyes and it made me shiver.
"You are something else, Daryl Dixon." She whispered when pulling me for another kiss.



I turned my face to see Alexis. She was standing in the door of one of the houses. She hurried and approached to me.

"I am staying with Enid and Maggie." She smiled a little, "You people are so nice to me, thank you for bring me here."

"Yeah, it ain't a problem." I replied. "You'll start going on missions soon."

She nodded and started to walk next to me. "You still didn't tell me who Rosita is." She blinked.

"She is my girlfriend- and-" Thinking of her made me smile lightly, "and...more than just a girlfriend."

"Alright." She nodded silently.

I didn't notice that her expression fell, I showed her the watch tower. "See, she is there."

Alexis looked at her and just nodded. Rosita was in the watch tower for her shift. My eyes swept over her. My smile got wide when I saw that she was still toying with the necklace, a happy smile on her face. When she met my eyes, she waved at me and I felt that every piece of me burned up.

Rosita's POV:

Damn it, Daryl. I thought while looking at him in the watch tower.

He sure had the very good looks that would made all women swoon over him, he had this kind of 'mysterious' look that added his hotness. But I didn't think that I would go through this again. But here I am, getting jealous over a new girl who was walking next to him.

I sighed and turned my face to gates. Suddenly I heard someone climbing up the watch tower's stairs. It was Tara.

"We should talk." She said.

I turned my face to her and folded my arms, "Yeah, but me first," She was looking broken and it made me feel bad, "You are my best friend, Tara. Something like that would never happened between us. I love you, as a friend."

She nodded, "I'm aware that. And I was about to say that I feel terrible because I ruined our friendship...I'm sorry."

I embraced her for a hug, "You didn't ruin anything. We are still besties."

She hugged me tightly, I could even felt her smile on my shoulder.


A/N: boring chapter asf but here is what Alexis looks like;;

A/N: boring chapter asf but here is what Alexis looks like;;

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