Chapter 46

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He laughed while stopping the car near some desolated stores and a pharmacy. We were close to city. "Don't underestimate yourself that much, Daryl."

Then we filled our weapons and got out of the car.

Rosita's POV:

Michonne followed the main road into the town. The area looked barren, but I had a feeling there were supplies and weapons nestled somewhere in the tiny town.

Michonne slowed the car, stopping a few yards away from the store.

"It doesn't look safe." Michonne said.

"Hell yeah isn't, but let's go." I chuckled once.

We got out of the car and looked at the area quickly. The small store which was covered under the trees was looking dilapidated.

I raised my gun and walked into the store slowly. Broken pieces of window glass crushed under my boots.

Luckily, the store was clean. There weren't any walkers. Michonne and I started to check out every inch of the store.

"Look what I've found!" Michonne whispered excitedly. She was holding a few of hand bombs.

"Damn." I replied and then kept looking at the shelves. But most of them were empty and were about full of dust.

At the end we found two guns and a binocular. Well, at least it was better than nothing.

"We can look at the other places near the city." Michonne said while we were walking at our car.

But then I heard some voices which caused me to shiver.

"I bet there are better places that we can find weapons." Michonne was still keep talking.

"Yeah." I only nodded, I was trying to listen up.

"If we can drive around the city, there is a chance to see more--"

"Could you just shut up for a minute?!" I whispered angrily.

Michonne looked at me with a confusion on her face. "Just shut up and listen, okay?" I said trying to understand where the voices coming from.

Then suddenly voices become more audible;

"...Negan said there are people from Alexandria who were in the scavenging run. That's why he sent us here."

"So what, is that what he wants? Should we track them down?"

"Look at this." Michonne whispered and pointed somewhere in the woods; there were three Saviours, all of them were holding heavy weapons while discussing something.

We hid behind our car and started to wait. But suddenly I heard an echoing gunshot in the background.

Michonne looked at me immediately and whispered, "It came from the other way."

I grit my teeth, hands clamping my gun. "It looks like we are surrounded." I whispered back.

Daryl's POV:

I walked to the pharmacy with Aaron. The window was already smashed in, and we used the front door to enter. The inside seemed quiet.

"S'quiet, too quiet." I muttered, but then I heard something growl on the other side of one of the aisles. A walker appeared from the aisle, shuffling toward me. I had my knife out, rushing it forcefully before stabbing it in the brain.

"There is an another store near here. Wanna check?" I asked while searching for medicines.

"Yeah I saw that too. It's a clothing store." Aaron replied.

When we were done finding the meds, we got out of the pharmacy to check the other store. It was so close to pharmacy that we went there by walking.

We moved towards the buildings quietly, eyes on the places that the walkers could hide, weapons readied.

But when I opened the door of the store, walkers seemed to come from everwhere, moans filling the previously quiet building.

"There is seven! I counted that there is only seven walkers!" Aaron yelled while we started killing them off.

"Numbers don't matter now!" I yelled back.

When we finished killing them, we moved inside of the store and then another hallway, the building seeming to be an endless supply of corridors.

"Let's clear out this store." I said and started to took every piece of clothing I can carry. Cardigans, jeans, shirts, lots of shirts...

Then I started to wander around the store. I stopped when I saw the jewellery section. Surprisingly, there were only few of them left.

"Daryl, what are you looking at?" Aaron approached to me and he finally looked down at the jewellery in the counter between us.

I brushed my thumb over a necklace which has a little rose symbol.

Aaron saw the look on my face, "Take it."

I jumped, "What?"

"Take it and give it to Rosita. Why are you so afraid of?"

I looked down at the necklace. It was beautiful. The rose symbol, which reminded me of Rosita somehow, was made from silver.

"It is not about the necklace. It is about...," I shook my head, "I ain't good with this stuff."

"You are not afraid of pushing yourself into the horde of walkers but you are afraid of giving her a gift?" Aaron chuckled.

With that, he walked away and got out off the store. Then I took the necklace and put it on the pocket in my jacket, carefully. I couldn't help but smiled at myself. I was excited to go back to Alexandria and give it to her.

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