Chapter 28

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Rosita's POV:

My lungs were assaulted by the painful gaps of air, stabbing across my chest as I ran through the woods, trying to stay away from the bombs.

I was hoping against everything that he was alive, unhurt, safe.

Tara and I found a area into the woods and I sat with my back to a tree. I was still coughing, my chest was about to explode.

"Are you okay?" Tara asked carefully.

"I'm fine." I said and coughed again.

"We're gonna find him," Tara said to me in a comforting voice.

I shook my head. "I know that he is still there." I said looking at the moonless sky.

"Bullshit," Tara said, "Nobody would stay there, it was burning like crazy."

After a minute I got up and put my holster on, "I'm gonna go to find him." I said.

"I already know that you were gonna say this." Tara sighed. "I'm coming too."

We started walking through the forest, thinking he was somewhere around. But with each tree I passed, my disappointment grew.

I need to find him.

The temperature dropped a little and I shivered slightly, I wrapped my arms around me as I continue in my search.

I took another step, I took another breath, waiting, hoping, begging for a sign; any kind of sign, to find him alive...

The rain started with a thunder.

I gripped my chest, staring into the sky, the swirling black clouds and soaking rain. My breath was ragged and my chest was hurting again.

"Daryl, where are you?" I whispered.

Suddenly, the wind howled around us. Tara screamed out into the rain.

I bent my head down from the hard rain and wind, toward an abandoned car hidden by the trees.

"Someone's there." I said looking at the car.

Suddenly the car's door got opened and I saw Michonne who looking at me.


The rain was battering down hard. The howling of the wind was whistling through the window cracks of the car.

Carl, Judith and Enid was there too, they told us that they were waiting for Rick to come.

"Rick is still in Alexandria." Michonne said.

"What about the Saviors?" Tara asked.

"There is not going to be a second attack, Rick and the others are trying to drive them off. "

"Did you seen Daryl?" I asked.

Michonne shook his head, "I didn't see him, but you should wait till morning, you can't go there in that rain."

I sighed and crawled up one of the blankets, wind was howling. I stared into the darkness of the car, wondering if Daryl is safe.

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