Chapter 41

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"I can take care of myself, Daryl."

"I know but I want to do it."

I sighed and gave him an another gun.
"Be safe."

He kissed me deeply before he went out,
"I hate to releave you alone with that prick but I'll be back soon."

Rosita's POV:

After Daryl left, I grabbed my gun and started to keep an eye on Dwight.

"You don't have to stay there with that look on your face. I ain't gonna try to run away." He said.

I rolled my eyes. "Just shut up."

But he didn't.

"So, you and Daryl, right?" He laughed under his breath.

I folded my arms while giving him a cold look, "Yeah-?"

He didn't say anything, only looked at his hands. Then I noticed that he changed so much since I last saw him. He was looking broken than he ever was.

"What happened to you?" I asked carefully.

His jaw was set hard and he stared at his knees firmly. "She left. Sherry. She is gone."

I unfolded my arms and sat next to him, "How?"

"She escaped from the sanctuary. I don't blame her but-" He was trying so hard not to break down. " kills me that I don't know where she is, if she is alive though-"

I glanced at him silently. My heart was aching, because something in his words reminded me of Daryl and me.

"Then find her." I said.

He laughed for real this time, "Yeah, and its that simple, right? Do you think she ever wants to see me again?"

"You have to try."

"I am trying. All I ever fucking do is try, and look where the fuck it's got me."

I sighed, "After this war, we'll let you go and you can find her, okay?"

He nodded.


Later that day, Daryl came to the building we found, he was looking tired but, thank god, he wasn't hurt.

"What happened?" I approached to him while he was taking off his crossbow.

"I didn't see Negan. But one of the Saviours saw me and ran away before I shot him."

"We have to leave then." I said and we started to prepare our stuff immediately. I took the bags while Daryl was keeping an eye out for Dwight.

We left the old building without making any noises.


We arrived in the Alexandria in midnight, whole town was quiet in the darkness.

"Tara," I whispered, "Open the door."

Tara jumped when she heard my voice, she took her gun and came down in the watchtower. She was looking happy to see me and Daryl alive, but her expression changed when her eyes locked on Dwight's face.

"What the hell is he doing here?" She asked angrily and pointed her gun to him.

"Hey- hey hold up, Tara,-" I grabbed her hand, "He wants to help us."

"We don't need any of his help." She raised her gun again.

Daryl put himself between Tara and Dwight while I was trying to calm Tara down.

"He's gonna go after we're done with him." Daryl said, causing Tara to lower her gun.

Tara gave him a cold look before she started to walk into the cell which Morgan made. We followed her in silence.

"Do you think this is a good idea?" I touched Daryl's arm and whispered.

"Well, we're about to find out I guess." Daryl replied.

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