Chapter 70

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"I should've realized what she-"

"Let's not talk about her now, okay?" I asked gently.

He smirked before attacking my lips again, "Alright."

* after an 3 months long time jump *

Rosita's POV:

I woke up, feeling the gentle sunshine caressing my skin. I cracked open my eyes, blinking away the sleep and was greeted by the image of Daryl next to me.

His head was under the pillow and he was looking so peaceful; I always loved watching him sleep.

He grumbled, almost inaudible, I reached up and traced my finger in the scars on his back. Looking at his scars always breaks my heart, and he doesn't like talking about them either, which is understandable.

Suddenly he stirred, a bit later, the bluest eyes I ever saw stared up at me, filled with fondness.

"Mornin'." He said in a sleep roughened voice.

"Good morning." I replied with a smile and snuggled into Daryl's bare chest.

"You good?" He pulled me closer and planted a kiss on my head.

"Yeah," I thought about this for a second, "Everything's fine."

"Rosita-" He said, nuzzling his face on my hair, "How about the baby?"

"I still have cramps somehow but Dr. Carson said the baby is fine." I added with a chuckle, "It's almost kicks me everyday now."

Daryl let out a laugh while pulling me closer, I cuddled into his chest and just enjoyed the feeling of being in his arms. He started tracing circles on my arm lightly. But that look on his face was telling me that there is something that bothers him.

"What?" I asked, I rolled over on the bed to lay next to him so I could look at him.

"I'm worried." He finally spoke.

"Why?" I asked, even though I knew what he was talking about.

He sighed deeply and brushed my hair behind my ear, "Ya know, the baby-"

"Daryl-" I cut him off, "I told you hundreds of time, nothing is gonna go wrong, we have a doctor here."

He nodded silently but I knew he wasn't fully believing that. I put my hand on his face, looking deeply in his eyes.

"I'm worried too, of course I am, but we can't live with fear of future."

"You're right." He gave me a half smile and leaned in closer to kiss me. "I love you so much," He whispered in that Southern accent that drives me crazy. He kissed me again, deeper, his hands reached up and gently grasped me, pulling me in tightly,
"-I love our lil' one too."

My heart skipped a beat and I smiled into the morning kiss we share every day.

Daryl's POV:

Our life had changed since the fall of Negan. We were living with Saviours which wasn't a good choice at all.

When Rick decided to restore a bridge that will facilitate communication, I already knew that this wasn't gonna work. Alexandria, Hilltop, Kindgom, Oceanside and people from Saviours were all helping to build the bridge attempting to live together.

"Daryl-" I heard Rick's voice, "Can we talk?"

"Huh-" I put the hammer and piece of wood to the ground and I left the bridge building.
I followed Rick into one of the tents near the Saviours' camp.

"What?" I asked immediately when I saw that judging look on his face.

"One of Saviour is missing. His name is Justin. Do you have any information about that?"

"No. Why? You think I'm gonna try to break the peace you created?" I asked with a little bit coldness in my voice.

Rick rubbed his eyes tiredly and took a deep breathe, "Look, I'm aware that you don't want to live with 'em, but this is what should happen."

"Nah, this is just your stupid idea-"

He raised his voice, "You like it or not, I'm trying to build a future here-!"

"Yeah, I am too!" I yelled uncontrollably, "Rosita is gonna give birth soon and I don't want our baby to be born into the place where Negan and his people are alive!"

Suddenly someone entered the tent and I stopped talking as I recognized it was Carol.

"Tara reported that there is a herd coming from the road, she says it might be in camp in a few days." She said.

Rick grabbed his pistol, "I'll check."

I watched him leaving the tent silently, Carol hesitated to go with him, instead she stayed with me.

"Hey, are you okay?" She said, looking concerned.

I let out a sigh. "I just want our baby to be born into the world where Negan doesn't exist."

"It could happen, who knows." She said and and added before going out of the tent, "By the way, Alexis wants to talk to you, she told me to tell you that."

"What? Why?" I asked, slightly panicking.

"I don't know. But don't let Rosita know about that. She is pregnant."

"Damn it, really? Thank you for telling me that." I replied, I was completely done by everyone at the moment.

"I was trying to help, Daryl." Carol said sounding like a bit resentful.

"Yeah, whatever." I said and got out of the tent. I headed out to the camp. I was gonna find Alexis to know what the hell she wants this time.

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