Chapter 29

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Rosita's POV:

I checked out my weapon, it was still fully loaded.

"I am going to Alexandria." I said.

"We're coming too." Michonne said and handed me an another gun.

We started head back to the Alexandria with quick steps, the ground and lawns were wet because of the rain last night.

Ten minutes later, we stopped to see our home: a gray fog was floating above Alexandria and the watch tower had gone, it was just a big mass on ashes now. But gates and other things were looking almost untouched. It wasn't a damage that we wouldn't fix.

"Come on." Michonne said and walked in to the gates with Judith on her lap.

With every house I pass, I could feel my hope grew at the thought of Daryl is here.

"Michonne! Rosita! Come here!"
I heard Rick. He was standing right next to the infirmary.

I hoped I would find Daryl in there. But I was afraid that what I was going to see. I gulped when the door got opened.

My breath catched in my throat as I saw the man who I fell completely in love with -


I screamed when he whipped around, his mouth hanging open. I ran over, jumped on him and wrapped my arms around his neck. His arms circled me and held me close.

"I missed you so much." He whispered into my ear.

I felt my eyes water. "I missed you too."

It was him. He was okay. I wiped my tears on his leather jacket.
He was alive.

"Where were you?" I asked gripping his face, I had totally forgot about the others around us.

"Carson said you went off, I tried to find you but the Saviors came for another attack." He said brushing his nose to mine lightly.

"I thought you were-" I stopped to look up to his face, right after that he leaned in and brushed his lips slowly across mines. I could feel my body heat rising, I still got crazy when he touched me after all this time. I felt myself lean into his warmth and I pulled him into a deep kiss while he cupped my cheeks with both of his hands on either side. Our mouths moved in synchronization.
We stayed like that for a while.

Suddenly rain started and we pulled away to look up to sky, rain dropped on my face.

"Let's go to our house." He said and held my hand, looking at my eyes. His blue eyes shined with love and it made me weak at knees.

A/N: i was going to keep this 'separation' storyline little longer but my heart didn't let me so I reunited them real quick lmao.


btw i wanted to thank to everybody who's been reading, voting and commenting, because you guys are making me so happy and your feedback always motivating me for another chapters,,
I love you all so much❤❤

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