Chapter 19

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Daryl's POV:

I couldn't protect her.

When every time I thought about what she had been through in that cell, I hate myself even more.

I grabbed the iron surface of the gates tightly, I was thinking about going on a run, or just riding my bike along the road, for not thinking about what they did to her.

I should've protect her...

Without thinking, I hit my fists on the gates, hard. I didn't even notice that it started to bleed.

"Daryl! What are you doing here?" Glenn said while walking quickly to me.

"Nothin'." I murmured.

He came to look over to my hand, "You should go to see Doctor Carson."

"Nah, I'm fine." I said without looking at him.

"No, you're not." Glenn said.

He contiuned on when I didn't say anything. "I excatly remember how I felt when I thought Governor raped Maggie. Even tough it turned out he didn't, I still-"

"I feel like shit." I said, cutting him off, but it was more likely talking to myself.

"Whatever you feel, whatever you do, don't leave her alone. She's getting hard times right now, you need to be there for her. You need her as much as she needs you." He said and patted on my shoulder before walked away.

Rosita's POV:

"Hey," Daryl said while opening the door.

"I was wondering where you are."
I stated.

"I just walked a little." He said.

I saw his bruised and bloody fists when he sat next to me. "What happened to your hand?" I asked.

"Nothing happened." He murmured.

But I got up and took some bandages in the first aid kit.

I turned back to him in the seat and grabbed his hand. He didn't look at me when I put the bandage on his fists. When I'm done with the bandages, he quickly pulled his hand off of mine.

I sighed with anger. Typical Daryl as always.

"Listen," I said. "It wasn't my fault that being captured and almost getting raped, so stop treating me like that."

And I frantically walked out of the room before he says something.
I locked myself into our bedroom, after a minute I heard a door closing, that he got out of the house.

"What's his problem?!" I yelled.

He was acting like a child. I was one that getting through some shit, but he kept treating me like shit since I came back to Negan's sanctuary.

His sanctuary, - especially the cell - was giving me nightmares. And suddenly I couldn't help but tears started to streaming down on my face.

A/N: short and sad chapter kms

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