Chapter 30

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Daryl's POV:

It has been few days since The Saviors bombed Alexandria. But they didn't showed up after that and we are started to recovering, physically and mentally.

I turned my head to the side and took a breath. A breath that carried a trace Rosita's beautiful and unique scent deep into my lungs.

My eyes drifted open, and there she was, lying on top of me, chest to chest and her face directly above mine. The look of relief that crossed her face when my eyes focused on her.

"Morning." She said while her hand moving to rest gently against the side of my face.

I leaned in and kissed her, when she slipped her tongue into my mouth and researched it I softly moaned. She was the sweetiest thing I've ever tasted in my damn life.

After a minute she pulled away and put her head on my chest, hugging me tightly.

"I couldn't stop thinking about the last attack. What are we gonna do about the Saviors?" She said looking up to me.

I started to brush her hair lightly,
"We ain't gonna stop till we kill 'em all."

"But I want to do something about Negan-"

Suddenly I brushed my lips against hers and kissed her deeply.

"Don't think about this now."
I whispered into her lips.

As the clouds parted and the sun peeked through the windows of the room, a rainbow formed in the sky above. And we stayed in the bed whole morning in each other's arms.

Rosita's POV:

"We have to do something about the Saviors." My voice echoed in the church.

"Do you have any suggestions about that?" Rick asked to me.

"We have to kill Negan. We can go to his sanctuary, before he comes for another attack-"

"Sounds like a suicide mission." Maggie stated.

"But we can't just stay here without doin' somethin'." Daryl said.

"Rosita's plan makes sense, I guess." Rick said.

Then we decided to go into the sanctuary with all of our guns and people.

"Oceanside wants help too, I'll go to tell them about it." Tara stated.

"Okay then, we have to be well prepared to it, we have to make sure that we have right amount of stuff to get into the war." Rick said, ending the meeting.

"You ain't gonna stay there, ain't you?" Daryl asked to me after the meeting.

I shook my head. "I want to help to kill Negan, I'm coming too."

Daryl sighed. I knew of his fears. I always knew. I looked up to him and gripped his face, "Daryl- I'll be fine,"
I said.

"I jus' want you to be safe." He said looking at my eyes.

I gave him a sad smile before pulling him for a kiss.

A/N: just a fill up chapter💜💜💜

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