Chapter 14

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Rosita'a POV:

Next morning the Saviors came to take half of our supplies...again.

But I'm hoping that all of these will end after the war.

Daryl and I watched it while they throws our stuff into their trucks.

"Hey! I need your help about the inventory." A Garbage People member who I didn't know his name, shouted at Daryl.

Dwight has come near us, Daryl took a look at him before he goes. Dwight came closer to me and smiled annoyingly.


I rolled my eyes. "What do you what?"

"We have a deal for you." He said still smiling.

I reached out for Daryl but couldn't see him anywhere.

Dwight leaned in and whispered, "Negan wants you as his wife."

"WHAT?" I almost screamed.

He continued on, "...just like I told you, Negan wants a wife from Alexandria. Actually, he wanted that pregnant woman at first, but I told him that she has an husband so..."

"I have-" I started but he cut me off.

"You're gonna be his newly wife, or we'll kill everbody in that place." Then he added. "And I'd love to kill Daryl first."

I looked at him with shock and anger. But he was still smiling.

"Just think about it, think about our deal." He said.

Suddenly Daryl showed up and I took a deep breathe.

"What's goin' on?" He asked looking at Dwight.

"Nothing." He replied and waved at me before walked off.

Right after he went, Daryl turned his face to me. "What's he told you?"

"Oh," I said, "He was just wondering if there is any weapons that we hid from them."

I don't know why I didn't tell him. But I wish I could tell him that moment. Things would be more easy.

And also that wasn't what I wanted to think about right now.

So I pulled my arms around him and said, "Let's go to our house."


He locked the door behind us and I desperately pushed him on the bed.

I cupped his face and kissed him hard, he put his hand on my thighs.
I let out a surprised squeak at his action, he kissed me again, his tongue skirted into my mouth, and without meaning to, I let out a soft moan. We rolled into the bed, I laughed a little into his lips when he tugged my tank top.

After a minute each piece of clothing were shed to the floor.

I reached out for a new condom, I checked out the place under the bed where we always put it on, but the thing is, no condoms were left.

I quickly looked at him as much as I can because of the position we had.

"I'm gonna go get some at Maggie's house." I stood up and grabbed my clothes. But he held my hand with a newly expression on his face.

A little look into his face was enough for me to know what he is thinking.

"Are you sure?" I said with disbelief and slowly turned back to bed.

He nodded. "Yeah."

Daryl's POV:

I can't believe that we did it without it. I must be crazy, what if she gets pregnant and dies while giving birth? Shit, I can't lose her.

"God..." I murmured.

"Hey," She said. "Are you okay?"

I quickly nodded, "Yeah, I'm just tired."

"Me too." She said.
Then she got out of the bed and started to dress up. "I'm going on a watch tower for my duty."

I sighed with disappointment, she looked at me with a little smile,
"I'll be right back."

But she didn't.

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