Chapter 57

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"How are we gonna live like this? With all these Saviours?" I asked to Daryl quietly.

"I really don't know."

Rosita's POV:

We started to walk around in the war zone, grieving over our people who died. I wasn't that close with them, but they helped us to take Negan down.

I watched silently while Tara was helping Cyndie to carry the dead bodies. I was so lost in my thoughts that I almost jumped when I heard a voice behind me.

"Can we talk?" Dwight asked to Daryl nervously.

Daryl muttered something under his breath but followed him into the woods. I bit my lip and walked away to Maggie to help her to carry some Hilltop people.

Daryl's POV:

"What ya want?"

Dwight took a deep breathe, "I did what I want. I helped to took Negan down - at least he is a prisoner now..." He glanced at me, "I'm leaving."

I touched the gun in my belt, "You think I'm gonna let you go?"

"I- I thought that was changed."

If I were who I was before, I would kill him without thinking- but I changed. After Rosita, she made me see things clearly, she made me way more reasonable, I am not the cold blooded redneck anymore. And after all he is done for us, I couldn't just kill him.

"Yeah-" I nodded as biting my lip, "You're right. I ain't gonna kill you- I can't now."

Dwight looked up at me, cracking a half smile, "Okay, thank you, Daryl."

Then he turned away, started to walk deep into the forest. I shouted behind him after a minute, "Hey," Dwight immediately turned around, "Find her."

He smiled fully this time, thinking about Sherry, "I will."

With that, he disappeared into the woods.

Rosita's POV:

"He left- I let him go," Daryl said as we were driving to Hilltop, "He deserves to find Sherry."

I smiled at him, "You did the right thing."

We made our way to Hilltop - the last shelter we had. Alexandria was gone for forever. Aaron and Jesus went to see how much damage Saviors caused in Alexandria, but they turned back to Hilltop with bags with some clothes in was all they could save from our home.

"They destroyed Alexandria too. And you still want to keep him alive." Daryl said to Rick for the millionth time.

Rick took a deep breathe, "I am keeping him alive for the future." He glanced at Daryl, "I didn't except you to understand that."

"What the hell is this supposed to mean?" Daryl raised his voice. I could tell that his anger was building up again. I put my hand on his shoulder.

Rick rubbed his eyes wearily, "I don't wanna talk about this anymore."

"What about the Saviours?" Daryl asked.

"They are gonna keep livin' in Sanctuary. We'll help each other by bartering food and stuff." Rick replied.

"This is dumbest plan I've ever heard." Daryl growled.

"They surrendered, man! What do you except me to do? Do you want me to kill 'em all like Negan or Governor?" Rick spat.

"We can't live like this! They could still come back for Negan, we don't know if they were telling the truth by surrendering-"

I shook my head at them with disbelief.
"You two are acting like a child." I cut Daryl off, "This is the time we should stick together, if we start breaking in our group too, we can never stand up again."

Rick silently nodded as I felt Daryl's hand helding mine way more tightly.

Then Rick got out of the room which used to be Gregory's. I turned my face to Daryl seriously, "You can't blame Rick for wanting to give them a choice, for them to show themselves for who they really are, good or bad. "

Daryl took a deep breath, "What about you then? Are you okay going against Rick and Michonne?"

"Whatever happens, I'm with you." I said and put my hands on his face, slightly caressing it, he leaned into my teach and closed his eyes. "I know that you never want to hurt Rick or Michonne, but I just don’t want you to say or do anything you'd regret. Wrong or not, they’re our family."

"Don’t wanna hurt them either, it ain’t about that. But-" He looked at me, "-his men hurt ya, and all of them deserve a brutal death."

I couldn't help but chuckled, "Then we'll wait for the right time, okay?"

He put his hands on my waist, fully closing the gap between us, and whispered before grabbing my lips with his own, "Okay."


I threw myself to the bed and whispered,
"I miss Alexandria."

"Me too but luckily we have a room in here too." Daryl laid down next to me, resting his hand on my waist.

"I'm glad that this war's finally over." I said, letting my fingers curl into the hem of his shirt.

"Ya sure?" Daryl scoffed as he started to rub circles in my arm.

I rolled my eyes, "I guess another fight just started between Rick and us."

Daryl nodded and brushed a hand through my hair, parting the black strands carefully. I watched him lovingly.
"I don't want to hurt Rick, he is the leader and wants to make right decisions but,"
He sighed deeply, "...this is not right."

"Yeah, whatever happens, they are family- I mean Rick and Michonne," I said, "Don't forget that..."

Suddenly I felt a terrible pain in my stomach, my lungs felt like they were on fire. I got of the bed with hurried when my stomach swashed - I was about to vomit.

"Rosita-?" Daryl called out as I went to the bathroom, I knelt on the toilet, my eyes were burning, I opened my mouth as I puked everything I had in my stomach.

Daryl slowly opened the bathroom door as I sat on the floor. Suddenly my whole body felt so weak.


I managed to raise my head to look at him, he was looking worried and alarmed.

"Are you okay?" He knelt down beside me, brushing my hair over my ear.

"I...-" I wiped my face, when did I sweat this much? "I don't know."

"It's okay. I’m here."

I felt his arms around me and I soaked in the feeling of Daryl so close to me. He hugged me tightly, "Can I get you something? Food, water?"

I shook my head, "I'm fine." I managed to say. I got up with Daryl's help and washed my mouth on the sink. I looked down at my hands, my vision was a little bit blurry.

"You should rest- I'll clean this up." Daryl said.

"No, I-" But I stopped when I felt another cramp in my stomach.

Daryl helped me to walk to our bedroom, he laid me down gently. He put some water and painkillers right beside the bed, then he left for cleaning the bathroom.

I barely slept because of cramps that night.

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