Chapter 74

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He reached out to receive the small bundle from me. His blue eyes were shining.

"Hey baby girl." he whispered.

~few days later~

Rosita's POV:

Alexandria has been cleaned up from walkers with the help of Hilltopers and other communities. We were safe again...

Waking up with our daughter was a strange new feeling that I wasn't experienced before.

We named her Isabella. We didn't think much to find it, I wanted it to be something Hispanic related, and Daryl said he always liked that name.

She has Daryl's blue eyes that I love to look at, she has black hair and a nose that looks like mine.

She's the prettiest thing I have ever seen.


Daryl whispered for the millionth of time. He just can't stop looking at her.
Neither can I.

He softly caressed the baby's cheek while holding her in his arms, making her giggle a little.

I watched my favourite people in the world with a smile on my face.

"Daryl?" I shifted on the bed. "Can you really believe that we did it? We brought a baby to this world..."

"I ain't think about this now. I'm just happy that you gave birth safe and sound. And we have a beautiful child now." He put a light kiss on my lips. "I can't ask for more."

I smiled happily, "You're right." I replied and didn't let bad thoughts take over me. I gently took Isabella from Daryl, knowing that her breastfeed time has come.

"Rosita-" Daryl said slowly, his face was covered with his hair so it was hard to tell his emotions. "Do you think I'm gonna be a good dad?"

I looked at him, I could almost feel the broken part of him whenever he thinks about his own dad. While holding Isabella with my one hand, I reached up and held his face with my other one. I lifted his chin tenderly, seeing his eyes watery made my heart ache.

"You are already a good dad, Daryl. You are. You're gonna be so much better than your own father. Actually, you're gonna be way more better than every father alive." I said and he nodded, I felt his chin tighten, it was almost like he was trying not to break down. He buried his face on my neck and took a deep breath.

With the man I love next to me, and love of my life, my baby, in my arms, I felt that I couldn't be happy more.

Daryl's POV:

We were awaken by Isabella's noises. She was crying and it was almost middle of the night.

I rubbed my face tiredly. I immediately looked towards Rosita first, panic already beginning to build in me as her cries got loud.


"Babe, rest, it's okay, I've got her." I said without believing that I'll handle it.

I got up and took Isabella in my arms.

"Hush now, lil' one. There’s nothin' wrong. Nothin' wrong…" I whispered and attempted to soothe my child, gently rocking her.

Even though it was not the first time I had held my daughter, it was the first time I had picked her up by myself. Years of archery, and various other training had taught me the patience needed to handle something so small and fragile, but it was clear I was awe struck and perhaps, terrified, of the small infant that now occupied the space in my arms.

The newborn gave another cautiously loud whimper and I kept rocking her gently.

"I think she just wanted to be her father's arms, she doesn't need a feed or a change." Rosita teased sleepily.

Finally Isabella quietened down to a soft whimper as I carefully cradled her against me.

"See, Daryl?" Rosita chuckled. "She's just spoilt for your attention."

I scoffed and returned the bed. Rosita snuggled against us and I kept rocking Isabella.

"You handled well, daddy." Rosita said, looking at the yawning baby.

"Yeah." Suddenly my smile faded. "But I thought that I didn't deserve this at first. Like I don’t deserve you, and… I certainly don’t deserve her."

Rosita looked at me and put her hand in mine. "Daryl, how many times do I have to tell you that? Stop being this hard on yourself," She whispered softly, "You're so much better than that."

She leaned in and brushed her lips against mine. I kissed her back but that small movement of us made Isabella shift in her sleep.

I looked down at our child, but the infant already calmed back to sleep in my arms and my gaze softened.

"You're right." I finally said and she smiled.

A/N: i will no longer be updating this story but it was fun interacting with all of you guys. i hope you enjoyed it as much as i did. ily all💞
btw don't forget to check out my other book "the Rochwood Academy" if you love reading about gothic fiction and slowburn romance.🕯😌

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