Chapter 66

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"Please, Daryl-" I whispered softly, "Just wake up and come back to me."

But he didn't even move, I buried my face into his chest as tears started rolling down on my cheek.

Daryl's POV:

Waking up was hard, energy consuming and little bit painful. My eyes fluttered open as I was waiting for my vision to get sharpen. The pain in my chest was still there but I forgot that when I saw Rosita.

She was sleeping in the chair next to my bed, she was looking tired but she was still the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen. The sun which was coming through the open window was falling on her face and hair.

I shifted a little and sat on the bed. I tried to grab the water bottle on the desk but I couldn't reach it and I dropped it to the floor.

That sudden voice made Rosita to wake up, she stirred and met my gaze.

Shock and happiness formed on her eyes as she said with barely audible voice, "Daryl-?"

She hugged me carefully, trying not to hurt my chest. But I held her tightly as much as I could and breathed in her scent.

"I missed ya so much." I whispered against her hair, my voice was hoarse.

"I missed you too." She replied, raised her head and cupped my lips passionately. I melted into the kiss, trying to touch every piece of her desparetely.

"I should tell Dr. Carson that you're awake." She said after a minute, resting her forehead against mine.

"Alright." I replied as she pulled back, she handed me the water bottle and got out of the room.

I thought about everything happened when sipping the water slowly. I can't keep doing this. I can't keep risking my life when we have a baby on its way. I promised myself to never leave Rosita's side anymore, she needs me more than ever.

Rosita came back with Carson after few minutes. He greated me with a smile.

"How are you feeling?"

"My chest hurts a bit, but I'm fine." I replied.

I waited quietly when he was changing my bandages. Rosita was sitting in the chair again, I met her gaze and smirked.

"Thank you, Dr. Carson. For everything." Rosita said when he was gathering her medical stuff.

"You don't have to thank me, all I did was changing the bandages. The one you should thank is that young lady, Alexis," Carson replied.

"Why?" Rosita said, confused and alarmed look on her face.

"She told me that she stopped the bleeding and took out all the bullets." Carson turned to me, "She saved your life."

"I think I remember that, she kept me in the car while I was unconscious." I said, trying to remember that part in the depths of my mind. "She helped me."

Rosita bit her lip, and asked, "So, can he get out of here now?"

"He is not completely healed but these things take time, so yeah, you're free to leave, Daryl."

With that, I got out of the bed with Rosita and Carson's help, then I put on a shirt carefully.  I was released to finally leave the infirmary.

"Are you good?" Rosita asked when we were walking in the Hilltop slowly. The weather was just perfect, the sun was shining above us and people were spending time in the outside by farming or just sitting in the grass. I took Rosita's hand in mine and smiled.

"Yeah, I'm happy to be with ya again." I said and she squeezed my hand as reply.

"We can go to our room, you should take some rest." She said.

"Alright but I wanna thank Alexis first." I said carefully, looking at Rosita.

She bit her lip, thinking, "Okay, I'll wait for you," She smiled a little, "Go."

I kissed her on the lips quickly and headed out to find Alexis.

I found her on the watch tower which I climbed it slowly. She turned around and her expression changed to happiness as a smile formed on her lips. And without any warning, she put her arms around me. I hesitated, but hugged her back awkwardly. After a second I pulled apart from her slowly, she blushed and let me go.

"How?" Was all she said, her cheeks were pinkish.

I trailed my hand through my hair as smiling, "I woke up this morning, I just wanted to thank you, for keeping me alive."

"I did what I had to do. You are expecting a baby."

"Yeah." I said, "Didn't think you could get rid of me that easy, did you?" I asked.

She laughed for real this time. We stood there for a minute till I spoke up, "I should go. Rosita's waiting for me."

"Yeah, sure." She smiled to me again before going back to her shift again.

A/N: im sorry guys it takes so much to update now since school started but i will try my best❤❤ i love you all!!

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