Chapter 64

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I barely heard her. My eyes were darkening.

"Daryl, no, no- not here. We should go to the car, c'mon." She said and helped me to go to car, I laid in the backseat weakly as she was trying to clean the wound.

Suddenly her voice got muffled, my ears began to rang out and my eyes darkened...

Daryl's POV:

It took all my strength to open my eyes and take a look at the scene around me: Alexis was sleeping in the driver seat and my bare chest was covered with bandages. Rays of sunshine were shining throughout the dirty windows of the car, I assummed it was early in the morning.

I shifted myself in the back seat and tried to lay more comfortably. But with that little movement, the wound on my chest started to hurt like crazy and I let out a gasp without meaning to.

"Fuck-" I growled to myself and lightly touched the bloody bandage in my chest, actually, it wasn't looking that bad but pain was unbearable.

Suddenly realization hit me: I was injured and trapped in the car, miles away from my pregnant girlfriend. She would've be so sad if she saw me like that, maybe, it could even affect the baby. But I missed her so much already, I needed to see her...

"Damn it." I cursed loudly and stretched my leg as much as can till the car's door.

Alexis woke with a stir and turned her face to me, "You're awake-"

"Yeah, what happened?" I asked.

"Don't you remember?" She asked nervously.

"Some of it." I had flashes of memory:  gunfight with the bastards who were trying to steal our stuff....Gunshot, then sudden pain. Alexis who were trying to stop the bleeding. Then darkness.

"How long have I been out?" I asked.

"Three days."

I nodded silently. I sat up with using my whole strenght, putting my head to the window, I closed my eyes.

I heard Alexis jumping in the backseat and looked at her with my half closed eyes. "What'ya doin'?"

"I should change the bandages." She replied and removed the stained bandage carefully.
"Maybe be more careful next time, huh?" She weakly teased, as opening a clean roll of bandages.

"Shut up." I said with no real anger in my voice.

The wound was large, still tinged a disconcerting hue of swollen red around the edges but she had done a great job of stitching me up, and it seemed to already be healing. She began to gradually cover up the injury.

Injuries and blood didn’t bother me. What bothers me was Rosita when she sees me like that.

"How did'ya learn to do this?" I said, lifted my chin to the wound on my chest.

"I was some kind of medic assistant before that. But you lost some blood, I couldn't do much to stop it-"

"Thanks." I said, really meaning to.

She lightly smiled and started to gather the first aid kit. "I'll get you something to eat."

"Why don't we just drive to the Hilltop?"
I suggested.

"We'll but- we're out of gas." She bit her lip.

"No way, I can't wait in here forever." I said angrily.

"You don't have to- I'll search for some gas later, there are so many abandoned cars in this area."

"I'll come too." I said and took a sip in the bottle next to me.

She frowned. "Are you even listening to me? You're injured. You can't even walk."

I could protest it if sudden pain didn't hit me in the chest again. I let out a sharp breathe, "Okay, okay, you win."

She handed me the can of tomato soup and looked me in the eyes, "You're still so pale. Don't even move. Okay?"

I nodded as she got out of the car with her gun.


When Alexis came back to the car, I was half asleep. She was holding two drums of gasoline. I told her how to fill the car with gas and she did as I told her because I was too weak to got out of the car.

"We're finally going home," Alexis said without turning her eyes off the road as she was driving.

"Yeah." I managed to say and closed my eyes weakly.

"Hey, don't die, your kid needs you." She teased but for the God's sake, I wasn't feeling good. I leaned back to the backseat and tried to ignore the pain.

Alexis was driving fast enough to get us to Hilltop as quick as possible, she turned her back to look at me in a second, "Shit, you're pale as heck." She turned the road again, hitting the engine nervously, "Just hold on, we'll be in Hilltop soon."

I tried to think about Rosita and our baby, but suddenly I found myself thinking about the shock and heartbreak which is going to form in her face when she sees me injured. Why did I do this to her? I had no right to make her upset like that.

Alexis kept driving and few minutes later gates of Hilltop came to my vision, I tried to keep my eyes open. Alexis stopped the car as Hilltop's gates opened slowly. But I couldn't take the pain anymore, I passed out.

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