Chapter 38

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"We found a place again. I told you." Daryl said when we finally lay on our new bed.

A small smile formed on my lips. "Yes. You were right."

He kissed me ony smiling lips and we relaxed back onto our pillows, and drifted off to sleep.

Daryl's POV:

I opened my eyes sluggishly to take a peek at the window. The sun was barely rising. I pulled the sheets up higher on my bare chest and looked at Rosita. She shifted in her sleep to place her head on my chest while wrapping her arms around me. Our legs tangled under the sheets as we laid together.

She finally opened her eyes, they glowed dimly as she was looking at me. I smiled at her lovingly before dipping my head to give her a kiss on her forehead. "Mornin'."

"Good morning." She returned the smile with a sleepy gaze, pushing herself to kiss me on the lips. Her hair was wavy and loose, leaving tickles on my skin as she shifted to lay her head on my shoulder. I started to run my hands down her up and her back while I was kissing her. Her skin was so soft. It almost hurts to feel her with my rough hands.

"What are we gonna do today?" She asked when we break the kiss.

"I dunno, but Rick is planning an another attack to Sanctuary." I replied.

"I didn't know that."

"Yeah," I said, taking a deep breath, I rested my hand on the curve of her back. "I have to go too."

"Nope," She whispered lifting herself up on her elbow to hover above me.

"You are wrong," She paused just above my lips. "We have to go, too."

I didn't have a chance to say anything before meeting her lips once more in a flurry of passion, the kiss ignited the pits of my stomach with butterflies as she swung a leg over me to sit above me.

"You can't say 'no' to me." She released a breathy laugh.

"I know and I hate you for that." I mumbled gripping her hips.

A bang on the door made us jump in surprise. "You guys up yet?" Rick's voice resonated from between the door. "Daryl, are you there?"

"I'm kind of busy right know!" I yelled back hoping he would take the subtle hint to leave. However, Rosita, began to rise off me. She swung her other leg and adjusted herself to sit on the edge of the bed.

"We'll be in the Gregory's office!" Rick said and left.

She sighed, "We should go, I guess."

I got out of the bed and wrapped my arm around her waist and rested my head on her shoulder from behind her. My hair draped over her shoulder slightly as I leaned in to kiss her neck.

I whispered, "Just a lil' more."


Rosita's POV:

"Daryl told me about your new plan." I said to Rick. "But we were thinking to go to the Sanctuary. Just to check up the place."

"We'll be ready for the next time, if they come for another attack." Daryl added.

"Yeah, this could work." Rick said tilting his head. "You guys go to the sanctuary, and seek for any information to help us win."

We got out of the Gregory's office, which was Rick and Maggie's now, and started to pack our stuff.

We prepared a bag with guns, binoculars and flashlights. After a five minutes, we were done.

"One more kiss before the mission?" Daryl asked, a sly smile blessing his handsome face. I laughed and pulled him to me for a kiss once more.

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