Chapter 72

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"Okay." I said, my voice was almost a whisper. I leaned in and kissed him once more. "Be safe."

"I will."

Rosita's POV:

I stayed in the house for a while- just like what Daryl wanted me to do. But all I could hear was groaning walkers from the distance and I needed to do something.

I filled my gun and stepped out of the house.

I couldn't help but shake with fear after I saw what's happening; the herd was about to get in the Alexandria.


I screamed and frantically started looking for him. But all I could see was the herd which is in the gates of Alexandria.

I started running without thinking about the baby in my belly. Suddenly someone stopped me by grabbing my arm, I immediately turned around to see Tara. She was looking pale and she was holding her gun tightly.

"Rosita, where the hell do you think you are going?"

I made her let go off me by shaking my arm, I replied furiously, "I'm looking for Daryl. Have you seen him?"

She looked at the horrific scene around us, walkers were growling and gates were about to break down. "C'mon, follow me."

I started to follow her. That was kind of hard to do because everywhere was covered with smoke that comes from the shooting guns. Almost every Alexandrians were trying to hold the gates together while dozens of walkers were trying to get in.

But this didn't last long. Tara and I looked with fear when gates got broke down and walkers started to roam around the Alexandria.

"Hurry!" Tara tried to make the way clear for me by shooting her gun at walkers. I could barely hear her, people were screaming all around us.

Suddenly walker grabbed me by back and I gasped with fear. I hit the walker with the back of my gun but it was still trying to bite my arm.

"Rosita!" Tara saw me struggling and fired her gun but she missed. I fell and screamed with pain. But Tara fired her gun again and walker's blood spread everywhere.

Tara helped me get up and I whispered under my breath, "Thanks."

Tara nodded and led the way once again, I was just behind her, she was trying to protect me and baby...

But after few minutes, I realized that something's not right. There was a sharp pain in my stomach and I was in pain.

"Tara..." I stopped near one of the houses. Walkers didn't even see us.

"What? We can't stop now. I'm trying to get you to Daryl-"

"I- I don't feel good..." I put my hand on my belly and looked down with fear. My shirt and pants were covered with blood. I could feel hot blood pumping inside me.

"Shit-" Tara gasped and held me when I was about to fall down. "You're bleeding, what is this supposed to mean?"

"It's something about the baby, I think." I managed to say. My eye lids trembled and everything got dark when I fell again.


A/N: i missed writing this story tbh;(( this part is kinda short but stay tuned💓💓

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