Chapter 65

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Alexis kept driving and few minutes later gates of Hilltop came to my vision, I tried to keep my eyes open. Alexis stopped the car as Hilltop's gates opened slowly. But I couldn't take the pain anymore, I passed out.

Rosita's POV:

I was about to sleep when another cramp hit me in the stomach. I rushed to the bathroom as opening the toilet lid just in time.

When I was done vomiting, I got up to wash my face in the sink. Even though Dr. Carson said nausea is completely normal, it was getting so annoying.

I went to the bedroom again and approached to the window. It was almost midnight and it was quiet- way too quiet.

But after a minute, I heard a voice which sounded like a door opening. Hilltop's gates opened, I was sure now.

But why would someone came to Hilltop in middle of the night?

Few minutes later I jumped at the sudden knock at the door. I rushed to the door and swung it open to see Michonne.

"What happened?" I asked to her.

"You should see this- Daryl came back from the run," She bit her lip, "-and he is injured."

My heart ached with the words and looked at her with horror. I quickly put it on my boots and followed Michonne to the infirmary.

"H-How bad is it?" I asked to Michonne with out of breath, we were almost running now.

"He got shot in the chest." She replied.

Michonne left me in the door of infirmary. I hurried to get in and entered the room.

I was wholly unprepared for what I saw.

He was laying in the bed, all his muscles tense, bloody bandage on his bare chest, face pale and hair messier than ever.

It's not something I was unfamiliar with, seeing him injured and hurt, but it wasn't get easier.

But he was alive. Thank god, he was alive. I came close to his unconscious body, I didn't even realize that Dr. Carson was in the room till he spoke up.

"He'll live." He said tiredly as watering a cloth.

I nodded and knelt down beside his bed. Tears were streaming down on my face.

I watched blankly while Dr. Carson was taking care of him. "There isn't any bullet fragments left, that's a good thing." He said.

I didn't even know how long I sat there, waiting. When Carson was done clearing the wound, he gathered his stuff, "I don't have much to do now, all we can do is wait." Carson said and patted on my shoulder before getting out of the infirmary.

"Please open your eyes, Daryl." My voice cracked with sobs. "Come back to me, please." I took his hands in mine, squeezing it gently, I pressed my lips to his forehead, placing the tenderest of kisses there.

"Daryl." I managed again, my tears were dropping from my cheeks. I looked down at his unconscious face, my heart ached with the sight of it. "Please-" I was almost begging. My voice strained. "You need to wake up, I need you- the baby needs you." I let out a cry.

Nothing. He kept laying there without any movement.

Suddenly infirmary's door opened slowly, and someone entered the room. But I didn't find any strenght to look it up to see who entered the room.

"Daryl-" I whispered the only name I won't ever grow tired of saying. "Please..."

I heard a sniffle behind me and I turned to it immediately: Alexis was standing in the door, she was looking tired and pale,her eyes were red. Was she crying too?

"What?" I asked aggressively.

"I- I just wanted to check if he woke up or not-" Her voice cracked and she stopped talking.

I turned my face to Daryl again and took a deep breathe. He was still unconscious, his chest was trembling with steady breaths.

"What the hell happened back there?" I asked, my voice sounded like almost a whisper, "How did he get shot?"

"Our paths crossed with some people and they wanted to took our stuff, but we didn't give them to it, we started fighting." She let out a shaky breath. "It happened there."

I just nodded. Part of me was blaming her, maybe it was because of she was in the run with him; she probably saw everything and didn't even do anything to help him. Thought of this built my anger again. I took Daryl's hands in mine, squeezing it gently. I leaned in to kiss his forehead.

Seconds later, infirmary's door slammed it shut, Alexis has left the room.

"Please, Daryl-" I whispered softly, "Just wake up and come back to me."

But he didn't even move, I buried my face into his chest as tears started rolling down on my cheek.

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