Chapter 44

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I wish I never gave Tara to opportunity to kiss me. But I can't fix that now, so I just decided to forget it and act like it never happened. And damn, it was really easy to forget while I was in the arms of man I love.

Rosita's POV:

Next day my mission was to hide from Tara because I don't want her to talk about last night. Or I don't want her to talk to Daryl about it. That would be so horrible if he knew what happened.

But I didn't have to worry about that because Daryl was about to go on a run.

"When will you be back?" I asked with a sad voice.

"I dunno. It can take two weeks or more, Rick wants to check out all the area." He said while packing his stuff.

"And? Why I can't come?" I asked sarcastically.

Daryl sighed while throwing some more ammo into his backpag. "I told you, Rosita, I don't know when we'll be back. And I don't want you to be out there this long. I have to check out Kingdom and Hilltop. And also, Alexandria needs good defenders if something bad happens."

"Okay, okay, whatever." I took a deep breathe and handed him some medicine and canned food. "Be safe."

He leaned in to give me a deep kiss, "I will."


I watched while Daryl and Aaron drive through the gate. I waved at Daryl until his car went out of my sight.

I folded my arms and started to walk slowly, thinking what am I gonna do without Daryl two weeks. Damn, I missed him already.

I was too focused on thinking that I barely heard someone who's calling for me.

"Hey, dreamer, ya good?"

I turned my back to see Tara who was looking at me. Her glance annoyed me. "What?"

"Wanna talk?" She asked.

"No." I started to walk away, completely ignoring her.

But she stopped me by grabbing my wrist. "Please. We should talk."

I shrugged and avoided from her touch. "There is nothing to talk about it."

I tried to walk away again but she didn't let me, "But what was it then? Something happened between you and me, last night. And you know that."

"It was just a kiss, damn it!" I raised my voice uncontrollably. Some Alexandrians looked at me but I didn't care.

I got rid of Tara and walked away, trying to leave her behind as quick as possible.


"I am telling you one last time, leave me alone Tara." I yelled without turning my back.

I stopped when I came to our house, I sat on the porch and put my head on my hands.

Then a pair of jeans and boots entered my view. I shifted and looked up. Michonne was walking into the porch.

"Hey. I'm gonna go to find more weapons. I haven't told Rick yet but I'm sure he will let me go. Wanna come?"

I thought about my options for a second;

1. Stay here and try to avoid from Tara while thinking about if Daryl is safe.
2. Go with Michonne and distract yourself with searching for weapons.

I smiled at her. "Alright, I'm in."

"Okay, I'll ask Tara if she wants to come too."

"No, wait!" I got up on the porch quickly and followed Michonne who was already started to walk by. "Maybe it'll be better just two of us."

She raised her eyebrows,"You don't want Tara to come? Why?"

"I just-" I bit my lip. "I don't know, just don't tell her."

Michonne nodded, "Alright. Take your stuff and meet me in Rick's place."

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