Chapter 17

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"Negan wants to see you, Rosita."

That was enough for me.
I tried to go run into the cell but someone stopped me, I felt a hand on my shoulder. Then someone whispered,



Daryl's POV:

"Stop," Rick whispered.

I turned to my back and saw Rick, Glenn, Michonne, Aaron and Tara. They were holding large caliber guns and few of grenades.

"She's in the cell." I said.

Rick handed me one of the grenades and a gun, "We're gonna distract them, you go to cell and get her."

I nodded silently and grabbed my gun. I held out my breathe when they started run to Dwight and the Savior who standing up front in the cell door.

"What the-" Dwight said when he saw Rick and the others. But Tara and Glenn threw the grenades at them and suddenly everywhere covered with smoke. I heard gunshots.

Then I got into the cell and saw her in the ground.

She was looking dehydrated and exhausted and there was a scratch on her cheek, I ran to her and wrapped my arms around her.

"What did they do to you?" I said and gently wiped the blood from her face.

She didn't say anything and pulled me closer. I hugged her tightly and then took her to my arms, bridal style.

"We should get outta here." I said.

I started to run as much as I can while gently carrying her with me.

"Daryl-" She coughed, "I can walk."

"No, you can't." I replied.

I saw few of Saviors coming up to our way and I grabbed my gun with my other hand. They started to shoot and a bullet missed my arm.
I fired my gun to them and killed one.

"Daryl, Rosita!" Rick shouted.

They were waiting for us in the car in front of the fences. I quickly got out of the sanctuary and jumped to the back seat with Rosita.

Rick started to drive and Glenn did the same in the other car next to us. Rosita leaned in and put her head on my shoulder. I kissed her forehead as she closed her eyes wearily.

Rosita's POV:

When we finally came back to Alexandria, first thing Daryl did was putting me on the bed for resting some.

"You need to rest." He said.

I laughed, "Daryl, Doctor Carson checked me, I'm fine."

"I don't care," He replied while placing my back an another pillow.
I watched him lovingly with a smile across on my face, when he's done I grabbed his face and kissed him.

"What was that for?" He asked smiling.

"I don't know." I replied.

He leaned in and kissed me again but I broke the kiss after a second because the kiss remembered me something horrible...


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