Chapter 36

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Two large truck hit the Alexandria's walls. Millions of walkers started to walk into the Alexandria as the gates and walls were collapsing.

Rosita's POV:

I gasped when I see the walkers coming to us. All the Alexandrian's started to got out of their houses with a huge panic.

"What are we going to do now?" I screamed.

"Let's find Rick and the others." Daryl said.

We started to run to the gates but suddenly an explosion rocked all of us and Alexandria started burning down.

I shook my head with fear. Smoke was curling into the sky, I started coughing immediately.


I heard Rick and Michonne.

"The Saviour's are here, we should hide." Rick said.

"Where?" Daryl asked and lifted his crossbow.

"The sewer is safe and big enough for all of us." Rick said when we started to follow them into the sewer.



Bombing was still keep going to destroy our home. But all Alexandrian's were in the sewer so we were safe for now.

"Judith-?" Rick called out into the sewers.

"She is with me." Maggie said and got out of the shadows, she was holding Judith in her arms.

Rick, Michonne, Carl and Judith hugged each other as Daryl gripped my hand- I gave him a sad smile.

We sat on the slick, cold floor and started to wait. The sewer was dead quiet which I don't like one bit.

"Are you okay?" Daryl asked to me.

"I don't know." I whispered. "Our home is gone."

"We'll find a place again. I believe that." He said and suddenly my heart filled with a warm feeling. He is the one thing that keeps me going.

"I hope so." I said putting my head on his lap.

"Everybody, listen to me." Rick said, his voice echoed in the dark sewer. "We can't stay here any longer, Alexandria is gone, but Hilltop is still standing, so we can go there."

"Do you think Hilltop is enough for all these people?" Tara asked.

"It better be." Daryl said.

"One way or the other, we'll live there." Rick said and ended the convo.


Almost an hour ago bombing stopped and we felt safe enough to got out of the sewer.

Smoke filled my nostrils as I took myself out of the sewer, Alexandria was still burning up.

My eyes watered when I saw our collapsed house, I looked at Daryl with complete sadness and he put his arm around me. I leant his warmth and took a deep breathe.

"You know what-?" I said.

"What?" He murmured.

"It doesn't matter....all these things." I said burrying my face on his chest, "...I am home as long as you are next to me."

He kissed my forehead and whispered into my ear, "I love you so much."

"I love you too." I said and smiled peacefully.

"Daryl, Rosita, are you with us?" Tara said jokingly.

I pulled myself over Daryl and we started to follow the others on the way of Hilltop.

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