Chapter 9

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A/N: guyssss I suggest you to read this with a song called
'Rihanna - You Have My Heart'
because I listened it all over again while writing this chapter and it's really a good song.
Hope you like this chapter💗
Daryl's POV:

I opened the door and looked around. The armory was pretty dark except a flashlight that Rosita held.

"What are you doing here?" She whispered angrily.

"I was about to ask you the same."
I stated.

She was holding a large-caliber gun with a complete bullets on her hand.

"If you really want to know," she said, "I'm going on a run."

I looked at her with confusion.
"But it's almost night."

"I don't care." She grabbed the gun and got out of armory.

I followed her while walking to her house.

"Couldn't you wait till the morning?"
I asked.

She didn't answer and got in her house. I watched her while she packed the guns in her bag. She wore a jacket on and grabbed her bag.

When she's done I came to the door and stood in front of it to stop her.

She looked everywhere but me.
"Get out of my way Daryl."

"No." I came closer to her.
"You can't just go like that."

"Daryl-" Her voice cracked with sadness, anger and something I don't know.

"Look at me," I took another step. "Look at me, Rosita."

Now there wasn't any distance between us. I could clearly heard her fast breathes, her chest was trembling with every breathe she took.
I gently lifted her chin and forced her to look at me.

She looked at me with wide eyes.
I took her bag and put it on the ground. I gulped and then I slowly took off her jacket. I was sure that I'd never been so nervous yet excited for anything in my life.

Rosita's POV:

He took off my jacket and came even closer to me. I was staring at his lips. We stood in silence for a minute but it felt like forever.

And after that he didn't waste another second to leaned in, and touched his lips to mines.

The kiss was gentle at first, we broke apart after a second and stared
wide-eyed at each other.

But then I put my arms around him and started to kiss him way more passionate. I grabbed his shirt and and quickly unbuttoned without breaking the kiss. He pushed me down on the bed and clambered on top of me. Our lips never parted.
His hands started to traveled up and down on my back, I couldn't help but shivered at his touch. I unzipped his pants, I could tell that he is already rock hard. I felt my cheeks heated because of it.

I gasped when he removed my underwear-

We lay in the bed for awhile after that.

Our breaths was the only voice in the room. I was so damn tired but I was feeling like in heaven at the same time. I slowly turned my face to him and brushed his hair, he kissed me hard once again. I smiled into his mouth, he leaned in and hugged me tightly.

"I don't know what to say-" he started.

I closed my eyes with happiness and let out a deep, relaxing breathe while pulling him closer.
"You don't have to say anything."

"But I want to." He pulled my hair on my face and looked at me with shiny eyes. "I'm not really good at that stuff..." He took a deep breathe.
"....just know that I love you."

I widely smiled and kissed him again. "I love you too."

A/N: This chapter was hard to write for obvious reasons lol but I tried to didn't give any details as much as I can because I don't want this story to be end up being a smut.
I hope you still like it😅❤

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