Chapter 53

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"I'm aware that. And I was about to say that I feel terrible because I ruined our friendship...I'm sorry."

I embraced her for a hug, "You didn't ruin anything. We are still besties."

Daryl's POV:

I watched while Rosita climbed down on the watch tower. She put her gun on her belt and quickly approached to me.

"Hey." She said and kissed me on the lips.

I kissed her deeply until I heard Alexis who was standing next to me, she sighed. With that, Rosita turned to her.

"It was Alexis, right?"

"Yeah," She replied, "Daryl told me about you, Rosita, nice to meet you."

Rosita looked at me, she was surprised but proud with it. Then she made eye contact with Alexis and the two girls stared at each other for what felt like hours until I cleared my throat.

"I quess we should go now." I grabbed Rosita's hand.

"Yeah, see you around guys." Alexis smiled as we headed to our house.

When were out of ear shot, Rosita huffed and rolled her eyes, "Gosh, did you see her? She was practically screaming like, oh Daryl take me now!" Rosita exclaimed in a high pitched voice.

"We were just talking. She can be one of us." I replied.

"Just because you have the love senses of a walker that doesn't change the fact that she over there was flirting with you." Rosita said dryly. "If I hadn't shown up, she probably would've thrown herself at you."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as we walked. Suddenly I stopped. Rosita stopped to looking at me.

"You're jealous." I said slowly.

"What?" she snapped. "Look, I don't know where you got that from just because l think some girl shouldn't be flirting with my boyfriend does not mean that i'm jealo-"

She didn't get to finish her sentence because my lips crashed with hers. She immediately responded and ran her fingers through my messy hair. We broke apart and gasped for air. I rested my forehead against hers.

"Well I think it's hot when you're jealous."
I smirked. I kissed her again and parted her lips.

She pulled back for a second to whisper, "Shut up. You're mine Dixon."

I grinned into the kiss as she pulled me close to her again.


"Hi," Tara greeted me as I was standing in the watch tower for a shift.

"Hey," I replied, turning my face to her. "You good?"

"Yeah, why not?"

"Dwight." I looked at the dark, cloudless sky, it was almost midnight now. "I know how you feel, but if he is really gonna help us in the war, I think we should let him."

"Don't you want to kill him now?" She gave me a look, raising her eyebrows.

"Hell, I do. But we have to do it after the war. We have to see what he is gonna do for us."

She nodded and placed her hand on my shoulder, "Go. I'll take your shift."

"No need to." I protested.

She rolled her eyebrows, "Go and be with your girlfriend, damn it. I'll handle it."

I smirked, "Thanks."

I climbed down the stairs and headed to our house. But someone caught my attention - Alexis was sitting in the porch of Maggie's house, sipping the bottle slightly which she held in her hand.

"What are you doin'?" I asked, approaching to see her better in the dark.

She sighed. "Nothing."

"Where did ya get this?" I asked looking at the bottle. It wasn't water for sure.

"It was in the kitchen. Man, stop questioning me." She growled and took another sip.

There was a moment of silence till she wiped the bottle and smirked, "Wanna join me?"

I could just walk away. But I sat next to her and took the bottle, taking a big sip.

"You didn't seem to be into this." I said, giving the bottle to her again.

"I'm not. I just needed to forget it, to not to think. It helps me to clear my mind." She replied and gave me back to bottle again.

Swallowing the vodka on my throat, I nodded.

"Have you think about it too? The world before the outbreak? When we still have families and friends, and when we were just...normal?" She asked, her eyes flashed with tears.

"I used to, but nah, I ain't think about it now."

"How?" She put the bottle in the porch to look at me.

"Because I found someone who made me forget the other world." I said and felt that my cheeks burned despite the cool air.

She nodded slightly, "Rosita."


The rest of the night was spent splitting the vodka, passing the bottle back a forth and chatting softly. The conversation flowed when we talked or trickled off into comfortable silence.

"I should go now." Then I got up and she smiled at me lightly.

"Good night, Daryl."

"Good night."


A/N: do you guys still enjoy this story?
I love writing about my favorite ship but it seems like views are getting lower and lower each day and i don't see the point of continuing of it if nobody reads this. let me know if you still like this story, because i still have ideas for it but i dont have motivation.🙏🖤

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