Chapter 13

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Daryl's POV:

I removed my head from the pillow and murmured without opened my eyes. "Hey..."

She didn't answer back.

I opened my eyes and looked around. She wasn't in the room.

I got out of the bed and called her name while looking for her in the house.

Suddenly bathroom's door got open and she showed up with a nothing but an oversized sweatshirt.

"Isn't that my t-shirt?" I said smiled.

She came closer to me. "Yeah, why?"

"Looks so good on you." I whispered as she gave me a kiss.

But suddenly someone knocked the door and we pulled away. I went to go open the door and saw Carol who standing with a weird expression on her face. I think she is still didn't used to thing about Rosita and me.

"Rick is waiting for you." She said before walked away.

After the morning we all went to go to meet with the new group. We called them 'Garbage People' because of where they live on.

"We have a deal with the leader of the group. She said she can give us some of their weapons." Rick explained. "And they're going to fight with us."

Garbage People didn't seemed decent to me, but Rick trusts leader of the group,
- Jadis - and that's enough for me.

Rosita was looking around the sanctuary, I held hand her hand because some people were annoyingly glaring at her.

"Some of them is gonna stay with us at the Alexandria for awhile, until the war at least. Jadis said they know how to make bombs or something like that so they can help us." Rick said.

I turned my face to him.
"Are these people gonna stay with us?"

Rick nodded. "They can help."

"But we don't know 'em." I said angrily. Rosita put her hand on my shoulder to warn me. Garbage People and Jadis were listening to us carefully.

Rick lowered his voice. "Nothing's gonna happen. I promise."

But I walked away. Rosita followed me.

Rosita's POV:

I completely agree with Daryl about Garbage People. We don't know anything about these people and it's not a good idea that letting them into where we live.

"Rick doesn't trust them either. But that was a part of the deal. Jadis said they won't give us any weapons if we don't let them into the Alexandria." Michonne said while we driving back to Alexandria.

"I wonder why." Maggie said slowly while Glenn puts his hand on her baby bump.

Daryl saw me watching them and I turned my face quickly.
I know that he isn't ready for a baby and I don't want to bring this up everytime.


We came back to Alexandria and everybody went to their houses for resting some. Because it was already late and we were all tired.

Daryl locked the door behind us when we got in our house. I quickly pecked his lips and said, "I'm going to take a shower."

He looked at me with wide eyes,
"Can I join you?"

I chuckled. "Sure."

But then door got knocked out and I went to bathroom without waiting him.

Daryl's POV:

I opened the door, Carol was standing there.

"Aren't you gonna let me in?" She smiled.

I looked over on my shoulder. Rosita was in the shower.
I let Carol in and closed the door.

"What do you want?" I said rubbing my eyes out.

"Isn't that obvious?" She stopped smiling and came closer to me.

I took a step away from her. "You should go."

"But I made cookies!" She protested and pointed to the plate that she had left out on the counter.

"I don't like cookies." I said and gave the plate back to her.

Suddenly Rosita came out of the shower. There was a towel all over her perfect body and her wet hair was falling down on her shoulders.

She turned her face to Carol with anger. "What are you doing here?"

"I made cookies for Daryl." Carol stated.

"Daryl doesn't want your cookies." She said. "Now get the hell out of our house."

I watched as her cheeks turned slightly pink from anger. It was one of my favorite sights. Anytime she blushed, I couldn't help but think of how beautiful she looked..

Carol took her plate back in and got out the house.

Rosita took a deep breathe and I pulled my arm around her.
"I'm gonna kill her." She said while shaking with anger.

"Forget her, we can do something better." I said.

"What is it?" She looked at me.

I grabbed the towel she put out around her body and slowly dropped it on the ground..

A/N: just a fill up chapter so I didn't like this one at all😞

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