Chapter 15

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Rosita's POV:

I held my gun and looked around the gates as much as I can but it was too dark, I couldn't see anything.

My body was still shaking because of what we did in minutes ago. I thought he was scared about me being pregnant, but now it looks like he is getting used to fact that how much I want a baby with him.

When these thoughts were swimming in my head, I heard a voice that sounded like a whistle.

Then I felt something coming from the gates.

Someone was there.

I lifted my gun carefully, I was ready to shot whoever it is. But I didn't have a chance to pull the trigger...

Suddenly someone came up behind me and covered my mouth with a cloth. I tried to scream but I couldn't.

And then I saw two man coming up to me, I tried to push them off of me, I tried to reach my gun but it was pointless. One of them came to tied up my hands and feet with a rope.
I couldn't do anything against them.

They opened the gates without making any noices and they threw me off to their truck.

I heard someone closing the Alexandria's gates and then truck got out to the road. I was shaking, I had no idea who these people are.

All I know was how scared I am, and how much I miss Daryl.

Daryl's POV:

I was waiting for her in our house. It was getting late and watch tower duties are usually an hour long, but it has been almost one and half hour since she left.

I decided to check out for her, I grabbed my crossbow and walked off to the watch tower.

"Rosita-" I said, but she didn't reply.

I quickly climbed the stairs and looked around.

There was nobody at the watch tower.


When I figured out that she's missing, I came to Rick's house. Then he chose Glenn, Michonne, Aaron and Tara to find where she is.

"You should wait, we have to keep numbers here." Rick said.

"I ain't stay here!" I yelled into his face angrily.

He rubbed his eyes, "Listen-"

"No, you know what," I said, "I'm gonna find her on my own."

I turned to my back quickly and opened the gates. I took my bike with me, I heard Rick shouting at me but I didn't stop.

I'm gonna find her no matter what.

Rosita's POV:

The truck stopped.
They took me out of the truck harshly, I kicked them without seeing and someone smacked me in the face.

I looked around when they pushed me into the big building which looks like an old factory. I heard walkers growling.

This was Negan's sanctuary.

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