Chapter 50

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"That kiss means nothing. It doesn't mean that you like Tara more than friends. End of the discussion." She laid back on her couch again, "Now, I'm gonna sleep if you let me."

I chuckled, relieving by the small talk we had, "Yeah, sure."

Rosita's POV:

"We're gonna go back to home today." Michonne said while we were having our 'breakfast' which was nothing but canned beans.

"Your condition is still not good enough to walk." I swallowed the cold beans quickly. "Maybe I should check the area first, I can find somewhere that we can go to Alexandria, you know, like a shortcut."

"No, I can walk, I guess." She finished her can, "Plus, it'll be dangerous for you to being alone in the forest."

"I can handle myself." I rolled my eyes.

"I know you can, but I just don't want to stay here any longer. I'm coming too."

Daryl's POV:

~ 2 hours ago ~

I kept looking through the car's window. We had stayed in the car for a night and now we were go back to searching them again.

"I can track them down, let's go out of the car." I stated to Rick. He nodded with pensiveness and stopped the car.

We kept walking in the forest till I heard a scream. We both heard it – a heartbreaking scream of anguish and pain. Searing pain. It sounded like woman, or girl.

We both gulped as we inched closer to the voice which was coming from the forest.

"Help! HELP!"

I didn't lose any minute to ran to the voice, Rick followed me.
We breathlessly stopped where we saw the dozen of walkers. And a young woman about 27 years old and a man were surrounded by them. The woman was trying to fight with them as much as she can, she was trying to stab them with a long knife. But the man was goner, he didn't even have a weapon, he was only trying to push them away.

"Should we save them?" I asked.

"Yeah." Rick said after a moment of hesitate.

We ran to them and started to kill the walkers. Hell, they were so many. After a second, walkers started to surround all of us. Suddenly I heard a scream right next to me. I thought it was coming from Rick and turned my face to him with panic. But the scream was coming from the other man. He was bit on his shoulder.

"Help!" He cried out as another one bit his arm. Blood was squirting everywhere now.

The woman started crying as the man fell with pain. Rick and I kept killing the walkers till there isn't one left.

"Ben!" She knelt down next to the man, choking on tears, but the man was already dead. His face got pale, he was going to turn soon.

I looked at the girl impatiently. "Y'know, he is gonna turn, right?"

The girl didn't respond, cried out even worse.

Rick whispered to me, "We should go find Michonne and Rosita."

I nodded and we started to walk away. But we heard a voice behind us after a minute.


The young woman rushed off to approach us. She was looking fragile; it was almost hard to look at her. She took a deep, unneeded breath and walked slowly to us. She was holding her bloody knife tightly, her eyes were shiny because of the tears. She was wearing a bloody and dirty shirt and a jacket, her ripped jeans were bloody as well.

"Do you have any camp?" She asked, her voice cracked.

Rick adjusted his weapon belt, tilting his head, "How many walkers have you killed?"

"I didn't count 'em." She replied.

"How many people have you killed?"


"Why?" I asked this time.

"Because they tried to kill me." She replied sarcastically.

Rick gave me a look and I nodded.

"Follow us." Rick said and walked away. I noticed that she didn't have any weapon but a knife.

"Did ya leave your friend like that?" I asked harshly, my mind was foggy, still thinking about where Rosita is.

"I took him down." She replied, raising an eyebrow. "And he was my step-father."

"Yeah, I don't care." I growled.

"What's your name by the way?" Rick asked.


"Cool. I'm Rick and this is Daryl."

"No offense but I ain't gonna acting like we're in the primary school. I wanna find Rosita." I said.

"Who's Rosita?" She asked with confusion and I sighed, completely annoyed by her.

"You're talking way too much for a girl who just lost his father." I said angrily.

"I didn't like him that much before that. But he protected me when it all started and I feel guilty now, and that's all." She stated.

We kept walking like that, still unsure about the girl next to us, tried to find anything to get us close to the our loved ones.

Suddenly we heard voices and quick steps coming from the couple of boots.

"Look!" Rick pointed out to somewhere in the forest. I carefully looked and suddenly two women came into my view.

Rosita's POV:

We ran, and ran, and ran, until we could hardly breath.

We ran till we put a safe distance between us and horde of walkers. "Damn it," I hissed, bending over and resting my hands on my knees."Damn it!"

Michonne breathlessly whispered,
"They- were- too many." She looked down at her leg which was bleeding again.

We saw them when we got out of the house to go back to Alexandria. We kept walking till horde of walkers saw us. Then we started running and didn't stop till they disappear behind us.

Michonne caught her breath and looked around cautiously, she gasped when she suddenly noticed something. "Rosita?" She whispered.

I looked at where Michonne was pointing.
It was Rick...and Daryl.

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