Chapter 34

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Rosita's POV:

"Maggie, we have to go." I said with a tremulous voice.

Maggie was crying in Glenn's dead body and the war was over for now because Negan had fled away, so is the Saviors.

"We're gonna take him with us." Daryl said.

Maggie put her head down at his body and started to cry even more.

It was hard to pulled her away from Glenn, but she finally stood up even though she was still shaking.

We put his body on the back of the truck and started to head back to Alexandria.


Alexandria was quiet under a midnight black sky filled with stars surrounding a full bodied moon.

We stood at the graveyard. It wasn't elaborate or anything, really. It was just there. It was simple. A simple piece of wood without words.

Maggie sighed and kneeled beside his grave, ran her fingers over the watch Hershel gave to Glenn.

While looking at Maggie who crying against his grave, suddenly tears came. I didn't bother to fight, not knowing quite how. Hot and heavy, they flowed. And I let them come because I had nothing else I could do. Yet while I wept there was no release. Only more darkness and sorrow. I cried. I cried for everything that happened.

"Rosita," I heard a whisper.
Daryl placed a hand on my back, wrapping his warm body against mine.

I let him to held my hand and we walked of to the graveyard in silence, leaving Maggie behind.

Daryl's POV:

We got in our house without talking.
Through the dark, I could see tears glistening her face; I wiped them away gently.

She leaned her head against my chest as her tears turned into sobs.

"I thought about you... what if it'd be you in that grave?" She whispered.

"But we're alive... nothin' is gonna happen to us." I whispered as I wrapped my arms around her and held her closer than I ever had before.
Then I held her hand and lead her to the bed. She curled up to bed and I slid next to her. I leaned forward and kissed her ever so softly. With that, she grabbed my face and pressed her lips firmly against mines. Overcome with passion, I slipped my tongue in and out of her mouth. Suddenly we broke apart and I pulled the hair from her face, staring into the eyes that always made my heart race.

"I love you so much, Rosita."

"I love you too." She whispered.

Leaning over, I hoisted her into my arms so that the her head was against my chest, burying my head into her hair and inhaling her scent:
a mix of vanilla and blood.

"I feel better now." She said after a deep breathe she took. I gently kissed the top of her head.

And we lay together, I could lay there for hours, even years with her and it would still be perfect.


A/N: hi to my readers aka lovely Darsita stans💜 i have decided to take a break because i want to focus on my school,, so I don't know when i will be back and also excuse me about if there is any mistakes in grammar because English is not my native language at all lmao

I love you guys so muchhhhhhhhhh and don't forget that;
that's all.
see you soon,

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