Chapter 58

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"You should rest- I'll clean this up." Daryl said.

"No, I-" But I stopped when I felt another cramp in my stomach.

Daryl helped me to walk to our bedroom, he laid me down gently. He put some water and painkillers right beside the bed, then he left for cleaning the bathroom.

I barely slept because of cramps that night.

Rosita's POV:

I woke up to a sensation of nausea in my stomach, I got out of bed as quietly as possible and headed down the bathroom. Reaching the toilet just in time, I retched and closed my burning eyes, but nothing came out in my mouth.

I sat on the floor, wondering if I am just sick, or there is something different.

I washed my face and went back to the bedroom.

Daryl was sitting in the bed, worried look on his face, he met my gaze. I sat next to him slowly, my legs were shaking.

"Rosita-" He started, his voice was full of concern, "You should see Dr. Carson."

I nodded as he reached and put his hand on my forehead, checking for fever.

"At least you don't have fever." He said and wrapped his arms around me. I breathed in his scent as I was getting calmer with each second. I gripped the fabric of his shirt, holding him tightly. He kissed the top of my head.

"I'll get you some breakfast, then we'll go the doctor, okay?"

"Alright." I said.


"You've been throwing up and feeling constantly tired, exhausted, am I right?" Carson asked when we went to the infirmary.

"Yes." I nodded.

"This could be mean only one thing then," Then he added when he saw the look on Daryl's face, "No, she is not turning into the walker."

"Thank god." Daryl took a deep breathe.

"this could be mean only one thing..."

Was he talking about what I was thinking?

"Are you late?" Dr. Carson asked.

I gripped the chair which I was sitting, my heart was racing.

"Yes." I finally replied.

"Late for what?" Daryl asked, looking at me and then Carson again.

"For how long?" Carson asked, completely ignoring Daryl.

"It's been like, 6 weeks since I last got my period." I blurted out.

I could almost see the gears turning in Daryl's head, there was a puzzled look on his face.

Dr. Carson handed me the pregnancy test box, I just nodded. My throat was so dry that I didn't even manage to talk.


An hour later I looked up at the pregnancy test nervously as I sat on a closed toilet lid. I know that Daryl was just behind the door, waiting for an answer. I softly sighed as I kept staring down at the pregnancy test in my hand.

"Are you OK there?" Daryl's voice called out behind the bathroom door.

"Yeah." I replied as I finally stood up and opened the door.

"And-?" Daryl asked desperately.

I took a deep breathe and looked at him, "I...I'm..-" I took another breathe.
Damn it. Why was this so hard?

"I am pregnant." I finally spoke handing the positive pregnancy test to Daryl.

His lips parted with shock as taking the test from me.

Daryl's POV:

Taking the item from her, I held it in my hands as I looked at it for a few moments before realization hit me. There were two pinks lines staring up at me. Merle had always been afraid of getting one of these from a woman one day because he was always out there having unprotected sex with any woman that would have him. And Rosita and I were too excited to use condoms most of the time, and now here is the result: a positive pregnancy test.

I wasn't sure how I would deal with this.
After what happened to Lori, I wasn't happy about women being pregnant. Not to mention, this whole apocalypse scenario would make it way harder to raise a baby.

"'re pregnant?!" I looked up at her questioningly.

Rosita nodded, "Yes... Listen, I think it was my fault. Sometimes, I didn't take my pill at the right time or forgot about it because of stuff going on. Then sometimes I forgot to tell you to use a condom. Now I'm pregnant..."

"Hey, it's not your fault." I closed the gap between us and brushed her hair behind her ear,"We did this together and sometimes accidents happen but we'll get through it. Yeah, if this had happened before everything had turned to shit, it would be better because it's not responsible to bring a child into this world. Not knowing if they're gonna live to see the end of the day. We don't even have the proper medical equipment when you do have the baby. But then, it's our kid but it's okay if you want to get rid of it-"

"Get rid of it? Why?" Her voice cracked.

"Because I don't wanna loose you." I replied. "I can go and find some of those abortion pills if that's what you want."

"What do you want to do?" She asked, her eyes were wandering mine to find an answer.

"Part of me wants to get rid of it because of the obstacles we would be facing. When the baby cries...that's a walker magnet. What happens if we run out of food? Just too many questions-" I sighed. "But the other part of me wants to keep it because it's our child that we made together. It will be hard having a kid, but it would be so worth it."

Rosita thought about it for a few minutes.
I already knew what her answer would be.
I knew she would have loved the baby so much. But also I knew that she knew I was still unsure about having a baby.

"I don't believe in abortions so l'm not gonna have one. I'm gonna have this baby." She said as I was thinking about how much our life would change with a baby around. Something I wasn't sure I was ready for in this new world.

I put my arms around her, holding her close. She didn't hesitate to cling to me, "Hey, everything will be alright in the end." I tried to comfort her.

"Yeah, right."Rosita let out a sob as I cupped her face to look at her. "You aren't alone in this. I promise, Rosita. I will be there for you and the baby. I'll do everything I can to protect both of you." I promised as she glanced at me, a small smile on her face.

"l thought...I don't know...I thought this wasn't something you wanted." She said as tears were still running down her face.

"I want this, I swear. This is our kid. If you want this, then I want this too. Nothing else matters to me except you and our baby."

She smiled as I pushed her to the bed. She laid down next to me, before reaching over and pulling me on top of her. I didn't waste a second to  leaned down, placing a soft, lingering kiss on her lips. I let my hands roam over her body, loving the feeling I felt, her body against mine. I looked up at her adoringly.

"So, I quess we're gonna be havin' a baby."

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